Are pod sellers hostile? Well, I think there was one time....already called out......
....but there are MANY other top notch pod sellers that totally take care of their customers. Don't worry about the riffraff, just do your thing and when people ask if you are still in business, reply with an-
"ABSOLUTELY! and we have some Fresh XYZ pods and some JKL seeds!. Here's today's special....

Here's one for you-
I had been selling on Amazon for about a year, and only 2 other sites offered Pure Evil for sale. The other sites had prices slightly higher than the Amazon list price. Someone purchased a 1.5mil Pure Evil through Amz then requested a refund (before the order shipped) saying they
found it for cheaper on eBay.
Uuuummmm...I'm the maker of Pure Evil, I know there are only 2 other internet sellers of Pure Evil and their retail prices are slightly higher than mine...and I know they are not selling them on if someone is selling on ebay for cheaper than my list price they had to have purchased from me and are selling it as a loss...
....or the customer just changed their mind and didn't want to admit it.
I refunded the order and posted back the above as much to the customer. Didn't get a reply~~~
One other bad shipment I had was sending a selection of sauces to Scott Roberts for reviews in the winter. He posted to me the box of about 8 bottles was delivered by USPS in a garbage sack because all the bottles were broken and leaking all over. We've all had these stories, it's just kind of the price of business. I don't ship a lot of sauces, none any more... in the hundreds of bottles of Pure Evil that shipped last year, there was 1 bottle that the customer reported as broken on delivery. I immediately shipped a replacement.
Just do your thing, work your website and reply to customers. Sometime all it takes is the reply to an email from a Real Person for people to know that You Do Exist!!! Just like the M&M dudes!
and those M&M dudes really do exist! Just watch the commercials, even Santa believes!!!