Arthritus / Pain relief

I -think- this can be filed under hot pepper use.  If not, sorry for posting to the wrong forum.  Am curious to know if anyone else uses hot peppers topically.  Years ago, wife gave me some topical capsicum ointment from the drug store to address neuropathy pain.  Worked OK, but flipping a super hot inside out and rubbing it on helps a lot more.
On the hands / fingers, I use it on the back side so that if I touch something sensitive I do not get hurt.  My feet are so nerve dead, that I do the same for the bottoms if I do not have sores.

Have heard people use bee stings for the same purpose but the idea of killing something for a wee bit of pain relief just kind of seems wrong.
Bee stings used in Europe for Arthritis and Knee problems allot from what I recall. Unfortunately the natural way has been rubbed out in allot of places.
I do allot of walking and basically broke my feet, lots of pain in areas and have to ware Orthotics to walk. I remembered a while ago Magnets used to be used so I got some and put them in my shoes near the areas that hurt and now I don't have pain. Maybe look into magnetic healing.
Heckle, for arthritus, neuropathy, or pain in general?  If arthritus, I am wondering if the calcium sticks in the joints.
Dragonfire, magnets?  Are you serious or joshing with me?  Ye, they dont set those tiny little bones.  Kind of messed up cause if they put us in casts they would force us not to step on the damn thing.
Like I said, I use them all the time, pain was relieved in a couple hours. I ignore all the fluffy talk and stick to the basics, I dont buy the fancy stuff it costs a fortune. I just get the Magnets and use medical tape and place on body parts (Broken rib lol) or use Duct tape to tape them in my shoes so they dont move. Their the size of a small watch battery. I use the 1/2",42363,42348
ajdrew said:
Heckle, for arthritus, neuropathy, or pain in general?  If arthritus, I am wondering if the calcium sticks in the joints.
It gets deposited everywhere when you get it in excess, except bones. Or without enough magnesium to actually use it.
I was speaking to the athritis, but since the ions of calcium are also used by the nerves for electrical signaling then I imagine it would help a lot with neuropathy too.
I agree with the not killing bees. All you need to kill is more plants and less milk etc.
This should be your diet.
29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Either way I have come to the conclusion that people can almost be read like plants for deficiencies and "over ferting".
You would think eating peppers for a lifetime would cure ya from arthritis but naw it just makes that meal on wheels taste that much worse.......