Asia seeds- commercial dealers veg and chilli peppers in Seoul

thanks to STICKMAN we have a site for obtaining Korean veg and peppers. I live here, asked the Mrs , yet had no success. I spoke to them today, and they'd be happy to do business with THP members. The prices are not bad. They have discounted seeds. I put some sites below, however the first is in Korean. The second is the site in English. The last is another site. for prices- the won is about $1- 1, 000won almost. Therefore 15,000 = $ 14-15-16 bucks depending on day. Top left- 1st in shopping category is chillies for prices. [font=굴]고추 파프리카[/font]

http://asiaseed.en.e...09_581511.html# ENGLISH- no prices though- you can get quotes

These seed vary in price from 5- 100 dollars. The quantities go from 600- 1200 usually. I think the prices are reasonable considering the quantities.Therefore, it seems the most economical thing, would be order jointly and split the tab and seeds.

Hypothetically- A group could get an order between you, and split the seeds. Or nominate a HotPepper senior- member to hold the cash, pay and then send them to all.It's pointless me doing it, cos their postal costs would be cheaper than mine.It would be the hassle of dividing them and sending them to members.However, one person could order, then be the only supplier to THP. It's very complex for me, that's why I have sent in the limited numbers in the past.The company has the paperwork , employees and time. Once they get to states, they'll be easier to sort out. I have to label each packet of seeds and there's no guarantee that quarantine will take mine. At 5 -20 bucks, per 600-1200, you can't go wrong.

Phone no - Mr Shin 082-162251934 (may have to insert a 0 after 82)
Main office- 082 24434303 (may have to insert a 0 after 82)
They can take Paypal now. So you can look up you items, click on them to basket (jusy click middle button below picture item - your item will appear in basket- trial and error).

After you have your basket- copy it. Then you can paste in an email to the guy at the company.This is if you are in a hurry. If you can wait a month, it'll be in English.

[font=돋]최민우[/font] Minwoo Choi
Trading Department

Direct Telephone: +82-2-407-9161

7th Floor, Baegam Building, 150 Jungdae-Ro,
Songpa-Gu, Seoul, KOREA 138-807
Telephone: +82-2-443-4303
FAX: +82-2-431-9164
Great information. I like the idea of a Senior THP member taking the reins and orders and $$ from those interested, and then ordering everyone's seeds. I'm interested for 2013.
Site will be in English soon. I don't t think there will be any problems ordering. Koreans are quite efficient and reliable.