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pickled Asian Pickled Jalapenos

I read a recipe in a magazine recently where they pickled jalapenos with soy sauce and lemon zest. I decided to try this but with my own twists. Here it is:

JayT's Asian Pickled Jalapenos


4-5 large jalapenos
2/3 cup soy sauce
2/3 cup water
3 Tbs lemon juice
1 Tbs + 1 tsp lime juice
1 Tbs garlic
1 Tbs ginger
1 tsp coriander seed
1/2 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp fatalii powder
1 tsp thai chile powder
1 Tbs Sriracha


Mix all ingredients except jalapenos together in sauce pan and bring to a boil while you slice the jalapenos to 1/8-1/4 inch rounds.

When soy sauce mixture boils, drop in the jalapenos and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight. Should be kept refrigerated and consumed within 2 weeks. Enjoy!
Well, I tasted them last night before I put them in the fridge and I thought Hmmm maybe I'm onto something. Now tonight I am sure of it. Think sushi dipping sauce and that's what these babies taste like. Decent heat and just plain yummy.