• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Astrotuna's 2012 glog

Hey all,

I've been lurking and learning for a couple years, so I figured I'd post my 2012 grow to get some feedback. Living where I do, this hobby has pretty much gotten me through two nasty winters as I eagerly anticipate spring.

It's only my second year growing more than grocery-store calibre peppers, so my list isn't all that extensive:

Bhut Jolokia (Red)
Bhut Jolokia (Chocolate)
Red Savina
Trinidad Scorpion (Red)
Trinidad Scorpion (Butch T)
Habanero (Red)
Habanero (Orange)
Habanero (Mustard)
7 pot/pod Brain Strain yellow
White Bullet Habanero
Dorset Naga
Bulgarian Carrot

And a handful of other varieties I don't remember because my "foolproof labeling system" failed horribly when I forgot to save the excel file I was using to identify everything. All told, my first batch was 4x72 trays, split more or less evenly among the different types.

I started the first week of January in both Jiffy pots and coco choir to see which worked the best. I swore last year I wouldn't bother with Jiffy pots again, but they're sinfully easy and I'm lazy, so there. My 2nd run of 4x72 just got started this weekend, and I plan on putting 1 tray in dirt a day between now and the weekend.

I've got the bigger guys under 4' T-8s with 2x6500k tubes. I plan on doubling up the lights this weekend, because I'm pretty sure they could use more. Again, I split the older seedlings between solo cups and peat pots, mostly as a test...solo cups are winning hands down.

Because the part of my yard I'll be putting them in gets full sunlight all day through the summer, I decided to try clumping some of them to give them some extra shade. Last year I was out watering every day, often twice a day, because of the totally unusual heat we had, so I'm banking on another hot, relatively rainless summer. I'm starting to get a little concerned that they may be a bit too stumpy...but, well, you'll all let me know, I'm sure.

Time for pics!


My setup as it is now. Cats, sadly, love to make a snack of the seedlings, so my first run didn't all make it.


Chocolate Bhuts in Solo cups week of February 13th


SameChocolate Bhuts week of February 27th
Looks really good, astrotuna! Nice light/shelf set-up and healthy
looking seedlings. What is it with cats and pepper plants? Good
luck going forward...