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Atricle claims Chiles can cure migranes

If Goadsby is down with it I am too. I go through several cycles of cluster headaches each year. The triptans and steroids work but they suck ass. I think the more peppers I eat, the less clusters I have...but its only a thought. I've been saying I'm going to do the 'alternative' treatment but its not been wet enough during the right time of year. We just need a vasoconstricor that doesn't make me feel like I drank a gallon of moonshine the night before.
Did you guys read the article? The chiles were used, more or less, to simulate a migraine. They used the simulation to find what could block the reaction. Nothing in the article said you could eat or do anything else with a chili to prevent migraines. I'm not saying eating chilis won't prevent migraines. The article just didn't say that.

So glad i don't get migraines anymore. They had one cool side effect I would sleep like a baby immediately afterward. Sure this would suck if I had one in the morning but otherwise so awesome!
Did you guys read the article? The chiles were used, more or less, to simulate a migraine. They used the simulation to find what could block the reaction. Nothing in the article said you could eat or do anything else with a chili to prevent migraines.

Oops, rumbled! :shh: