event Attention Hot Sauce companies - scumbag alert

ajdrew - yes, there's no debate over that. The scumbag is hiding behind bankruptcy protection. I'd made that clear. That's not the point of this topic - no debate nor discussion needed about the legaity or ethics of what he's (allegedly) done, or his chances of getting away with it or how the system is broken - all are known factors.

The point is to avoid the so-called "world hot sauce awards" - I recall THP's membership pool as being one of the organizer's chief fishing grounds for national and international entries.

And in my opinion sauce/spicy food companies should look out for one another - so it seemed important to spread the word.

That's it - simple. People need to know that by supporting this award, they're supporting a vile and unethical human being. I can speak to those two things from personal experience.
It is quite common for crooks to run to bankruptcy after taking everyone's money and spending it on a lavish lifestyle.  Happens ALL the time.  Not saying that is the case in this situation.  BK is a way to stiff arm the victims left holding the bag.  Shouldn't prevent a criminal probe.
Lucky Dog, sought mainly to console and let you know others have been taken in ways kin to what you describe.  When it happened to me, I thought I was an idiot.  Then learned it is very common due to US bankruptcy and corporate laws.  Didn't make my wallet feel better to know others are often taken, but made me feel less foolish for trusting.
Yep - that's the way it is.

So we can all help not make it worse by spreading the word about this (alleged) criminal.

Now I use the word "allegedly" quite a bit - because this hasn't been decided by the courts yet.

But the bankruptcy filing has 93 claims against it, and the act of filing for bankruptcy was in direct response to the 90+ people alleging that he ripped off money from vendors at the Houston hot sauce festival.

So people can draw their own conclusion. ;)
Update: I want to clarify something....when I suggested the awards lacked credibility, I did so at my own expense. I had a 1st place Award and a division champion award from the 1st year they were hosted.

I hate that I have to disregard those wins.

Also, I would never suggest, imply or assert that the winners of any of these awards were in any way undeserving. I'm sure all of the products that won were of high quality.

In a sense, that's why it is so easy to get away with running a shady awards show. If some sort of corruption is exposed, the people who have the most to lose are the winners. So people remain silent, even if they know their award is from a shady event.

On the bright side of things, I've spoken with a great number of vendors who were able to get their $ back from their credit card companies. Haven't seen the follow up from those who paid with checks.
Isn't Dana the guy that was promoting the Caboom! documentary about Cajohn? I think I contributed to the gofundme or kickstarter site for that effort. I suppose that money is gone too, and the documentary won't be made. Bummer.
midwestchilehead said:
Isn't Dana the guy that was promoting the Caboom! documentary about Cajohn? I think I contributed to the gofundme or kickstarter site for that effort. I suppose that money is gone too, and the documentary won't be made. Bummer.
He was indeed. I have no idea what happened to that $. If it was a gofundme the money is likely gone. If it was a kickstarter nothing is donated unless it's 100% funded.

Man, I'd forgotten about that. Sucks.
Someone just sent me a link to the awards, which he is indeed hosting again. Unbelievable that someone who is alleged to have done what Dana is accused of doing would have the nerve to host an award, as though they were anything but (in my opinion) a pariah in the industry.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Someone just sent me a link to the awards, which he is indeed hosting again. Unbelievable that someone who is alleged to have done what Dana is accused of doing would have the nerve to host an award, as though they were anything but (in my opinion) a pariah in the industry.
Post the link and/or social media - I'm sure there are many here who would like to give Dana a piece of our mind.  :)
what was the previous per entry fee...something like $50-$60?  Even going with $50 per entry, 67 categories, 3 winners listed per category... + $10K in entry fees, $2k in award ribbons....