• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

ATX-EFX 2013 Gro Log


This year we have started a bit early due to inpatients, that and the fact that we can pull it off in our climate.
My son and I have decided to team up with my old friend and build a green house. He just bought a house and has extra land that is dyeing to make us a little money. We are thinking about getting in to a local farmers market selling pods, powder, and maybe Sauce once we figure out all the legalities.

What we have so far:

Wintered from 2012 / New
  • Brown 7 Pot
  • 7 Pot Primo
  • Bhut J. Indian Carbon
  • Morougah
  • Black NAGA
  • Scarlet Lantern
  • Yellow 7 Pot
  • Red BrainStrain*
  • Yellow Brain Strain*
  • Fatalli*
  • Douglah*
  • Bhut Cross *
  • Chocolate Devils Tongue*
  • Butch T*
  • Red T. Scorpion*
looks like you are off to a good start, I'm still wondering what I need to leave out and what I want to add in. biggest problem for me is air flow verses humidity along with mold and mildew. Bugs were crazy bad stink bugs, spider mites and a host of others. My main peppers will be Brain Strains, Butch T's T.S. Brown 7 pods, Morougahs, 7 pod Primo's.
Lots of work a head of me even before I start my seeds for next year.