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AutoPot 12 with res or Earth Box complete???

I'm trying to setup a couple of peppers for the in-laws in AZ and I need something that is quick and easy to use and is self contained to save water. I was looking at the famous earth box complete kit at $55 http://store.earthbox.com/Green-EarthBox-Ready-to-Grow-Kit/productinfo/1010065/ or the Autopot dual kit with resevoir kit at $80 without soil http://www.autopotgarden.com/products-garden/bw/autopot-easy2grow.htm#singlekit0
My only issue with both is the somewhat small pot size. The earth box says it can hold 2 cu ft. of potting mix and the Autopot has 2 9" square pots. Not sure exactly how much soil the 2 9" squares pots would hold, but I think it's about the same if not fairly close to the earth box. The Autopot has the cool reservoir and Aquavalve that allows the plants to go through a wet and dry cycle. I've never used them, but this may be an advantage over the standard peat moss filled earth box that uses the wick method. I also like how I can use my own potting soil mix in the Autopot setup. The one thing that may be an issue is the autopot with the large 12 gallon reservoir may be a bit much sitting on a patio. I'm inclined to use the earth box since it's a lot "simpler" to use just grab the hose and fill the box until water comes out, but I really think the plants would really take off with a autopot, but since I have never used them and don't know anyone who does I have no clue if it's true and if so how much. I'm actually considering getting an autopot with the reservoir and just setup a quick hydro system to see.

Anyone have experience with both systems or either and can add some info before I pull the trigger?
I've had experience with both Earthbox and Autopots. I had very poor results with the Earthbox a few years back. Now, the Autopots, I highly recommend them. I started with 2 autopot setup last year (two 10 inch pots), and this year, have expanded the autopot setup to 8 autopots. Here are two pics from 2009 and two pics from 2010. The two from 2009 were a fatalii and a 7 pod. The first one was in the house, just before I moved the entire setup outside. Second one outside, about a month later, I believe. The last two pics are some of what I have going this year. First pic is a Dorset Naga, and the second pic is a Trinidad Scorpion. And yes, I am very satisfied with the Autopot system. Cost-wise, I spent just about the same amount on 3 Earthboxes, that didn't do much for me, as what I spent for my 2 pot system last year. Oh, and if you go with the Autopot system, I recommend you use the planting medium that is recommended.

Silver_Surfer said:
I'm experimenting with a homemade rig this season. It's much cheaper to roll your own.

Yeah I checked out your post before writing this and it seems simple, but this needs to be simple for the in-laws. That are both retired.
Wow the pics are nice! When you say you expanding from 2 to 8 autopots did you by 3 more full setups or simply add on 3 sets of pots and valves to your existing resevoir? Also how complex to use and maintain? I'm sure I could handle it, but these need to be as simple as fill with water once I set them up. Do you have to maintain or clean anything in the system at all?

On a side did you get the air globe thing? If I set a couple of them up i'll probably put them on my patio and since I have power on the patio I'm considering adding the air stone attachment as well to each pot. Also you got 10" pots instead of 9"? Did you buy them yourself? I didn't see anything online for a 10" pot, but I could have missed it.
I expanded by purchasing a double system (4 10" pots), then as I had customer service on the line to order a few accessories, I went ahead and ordered just a 2 pot expansion setup (tray, 2 pots, valve, and hose). I didn't want the setup to be lopsided with 1 resevoir for 4 pots and 1 resevoir for 2 pots. Each resevoir is supplying water/nutrient mix to 4 10" pots. The hardest part of everything is keeping the amount of nutrient mix/water in the resevoir, and then keeping an eye on the hoses, making sure the hoses don't get clogged for some reason, and making sure the valve is functioning correctly. If you figure out where everything is supposed to be set up, just make sure you set up and elevate the resevoir sufficiently above the trays (set up permanently....you don't want to move it once it is in place). I eventually got the correct ratio of nutrient mix/water for like 10 gallons of water in the container. I had the correct amount of nutrients marked off on an old mason jar with a permanent marker, so it was a breeze to fill. Just fill the container up with the hose (I had the container marked with permanent marker as well for 10 gallons), then fill the jar up with the correct amount of nutrients and dump it in and mix it up real good. No, I do not have the air globe thingy. I did see that in a couple of brochures I got with the system. It looks pretty cool. Maybe down the road. As far as I know, the only size they come in are 10 inch....or maybe 9 1/2 inches. First year, I had the round pots and pretty sure they were 10 inches. The other six I bought are all square pots and might not quite be 10 inches.

On a side note, when my 2 plants got very huge last year, I was filling up the container once a week. When the plants were small and growing up in the house, I never had to re-fill the container.
thanks for all the tips. I could only find 9" pots online so i'll just have to call them. Did you ever have problems with the hoses clogging? I couldn't imagine trying to find a clog in a 4 pot system. I think i'm gonna get one of the 4 pot systems for myself and just get a earth box for the in-laws since the valve & res option may be a bit much plus adding nutes to the mix is way out of their league. They just want to be able to pick a rip pepper every once and a while is all.