food Awesome Potato Salad

Nice recipe!
Enjoyed the swipe at pimentos too haha, its the fast way to completely ruin a potato salad and so many people seem to do it.
salsalady said:
There's just enough time to get this recipe done before our USA July 4th Independence Day celebrations. 
Ok, I admit it.  I HATE Reser's and other pre-made deli potato salad.  And after tasting this recipe, I think you'll agree, homemade potato salad is the Bomb.
And as always, it's very easy to customize.  We'll talk about it at the end.
Now, I know some of y'all will try to give me flack about posting a video of "how to peel potatoes", but trust me....there really are folks who don't know how to peel a potato. 
Here we go! 
The Ultimate Awesome Perfect-Every-Time Potato Salad!
9 Ingredients- plan on making the salad a day ahead for best flavor.
1 (10#) bag POTATOES (I used russets, yukon gold or reds are fine)
1 dozen EGGS 
1 XL ONION (about 3-4 cups fine diced)
1/2 CELERY bunch (about 3-4 cups fine diced)
1 jar MAYO (1 quart)
1 jar MUSTARD (1 cup)
1 jar DILL RELISH (1 cup)
1 Tbsp SALT
1 Tbsp BLACK PEPPER (sorry, geeme~)
Scrub the potatoes if necessary, cover with water and boil until knife tender.  When cooked, run potatoes under cold water or lay in a flat pan and chill in fridge until cool enough to handle.  This can be done 2 days ahead.  Also, See Video for example of Knife tender and how to quickly peel and dice the cooked/cooled spuds.
Hard boil, peel, dice eggs.
Trim and dice onions and celery.
Dump in the mayo, mustard, dill relish, salt, and pepper.
Mix it up, and chill well.
Yield- 30 cups - approx. 60 servings at a picnic
Spoon??? Who needs a spoon?!?!??
Shallow bowls for quick cooling, ease of transport....
The Sexy Side~~~  lol-
I happen to be using a food service pan, but any large Tupperware, large roasting pan, or even the stock pot will work for mixing it up.  Just make sure to put it into shallower pans for cooling.
About the ingredients-
I chose to use individual bottles to show people who don't keep a deep pantry they can buy just exactly what's needed and not have to worry about leftovers, etc.  If you have a large jar of DILL pickles (whole, spears, sliced, chips...whatever) just dice 'em up and there you go!  Same thing with the mayo, mustard, use what you have.  Stores are even offering individual celery stalks or smaller celery hearts which allows customers to purchase exactly what's needed. 
Customizing- Use other potato varieties, use green onions, add minced chiles, Dijon mustard is good...but whatever you NOT add pimentos!  Pimentos have little purpose in life and no place in a GOOD potato salad! 
Looks like an awesome potatosalad!!
I'd just like to add a little thing :
When u peel your potatoes like that u scrape off the vitamins of the potato.
here is a video of how to do it superfast and easy without scraping the vitamin layer away.
I've allready tested this and all I can say that this is the fastest way to peel a potato.
If THP ever goes away, I'll be in trouble...I have to come back to my own post for the recipe... :lol: cant ever remember how many pounds of spuds 5# or 10#. This weekends batch will be 1/4 of the recipe since the kid is no longer here.

It's a few years old, but I didn't see the link from DevilsEyes. Thanks for sharing. Blanching is a great technique. I wouldnt have enough ice on hand for 10 pounds of potates, but for a few spuds, it's a good option.

Enjoy the Bump!
Bestest potato salad I ever ate.
Texas Best Made dill pickles.
Granulated garlic.
Black pepper.
Heaps of mayo.
Boat motored.
Mixto'd with boiled pots.
Skinned/ Unskinned.
Doesn't matter.
But heavy on the dressing.
The tates absorb a lot.
Rested over night in the fridge.
Hot sauce of choice to taste.
Not my recipe.
NOLA coonass chef gave it to me.
While I'm not a fan of most cajun/creole cuisine.
This one rocked me.
Who 'dat?
salsalady said:
geeme, I can see the French Dressing, even the caraway.  You know I had to put the (sorry, geeme) in there for you~  Do you have your mom/g'mas recipe written down somewhere?
I've served a version with Dijon mustard and Cajun spices that went over very well.  Same basic recipe, though.
Hophead's hooked on the pasta recipe?  SWEET!  :cool:

Sometimes, when people say they'll bring the potato salad, and I know their culinary skills end at reheating Trader Joe's Lobster Bisque..... know~~~
hey SL, is there a link to the pasta recipe?
Ive tasted everyone's tater salad that has ever been offered to me and i just dont like any of them. Mostly its the texture of the taters. Everyone were over cooked and the worst being russets.
Then one day i tried this and fell in love with it.
Allison's Loaded Baked Potato Salad
Red taters that are nice and crunchy
Sour Cream
Green onions
Cheddar cheese
Bacon crumbles
Its a heart attack in a 48oz tub.
This copy cat looks worth trying since that tub is around $7
Loaded Baked Potato Salad Recipe
~ 3 pounds of small, red potatoes, washed and chunked
~ 1 1/2 cups of sour cream
~ 1/2 cup mayonnaise (im guessing it needs a little more actually)
~ 1 tsp. salt
~ 1/4 tsp. black pepper
~ 1/4 tsp. granulated garlic
~ 1/2 lb. bacon, cooked and chopped
~ 6 green onions, diced
~ 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
1. Cut red potatoes into chunks. Boil until potatoes are just shy of being cooked. Drain.
2. While potatoes are cooking, mix sour cream, mayonnaise, spices, green onions, and bacon together.
3. Mix potatoes in with sour cream mixture. Chill in refrigerator for 1 hour.
4. Add shredded cheese to cooled mixture and mix well.
5. Chill until ready to serve. Enjoy!
Coming back to the thread, and maybe just in time for the holiday weekend. Again to write down the ingredients. SalsaKid and his Lovely is coming over this weekend for Smash Burgers and PotSal.

Thanks for the additional recipes, even though they are 5 years old. :lol: Adding sour cream sounds like a good addition. and some chives or other greens. and BACON! can't go wrong with that.

We've been trying to be more self sustaining and growing our own food. But I can't find bacon seeds. 🤷
There is some of that out there.... :lol:


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