food Awesome Superchile recipe

25 superchile's with 60% seeds (I desseeded around 40% for my seed bank) - chopped up, but not finely -1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce 1 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 tablespoon avocado oil - fry on low 10 minutes - AWESOME!
I just deseeded a bunch of superchile today, the problem is so many of them are inconsistant with their ripeness that I don't want to leave them on the plant for fear of rotting.

sounds like you have a perfect receipe for superchile pods, good for you!
I having a lot of fun with superchile's as they are the easiest thing for me to grow. I do find thought that they ripen deep red. This season was a fun experiment as I grew from saved seed from last years plants. The experienced growers here told me that they would not grow true. I don't care. With 8 plants that I grew, I got 3 different pod types.

Type 1 - exactly the same as their parents. The others were shorter, fatter and grew facing down, instead of upright.

Type 2 - shorter, fatter and grow downward instead of upward.

Type 3 - Long, more traditional Cayenne type pods.

Type one and 2 are short bushy plants like their parents. They are also great producers. I only have 1 type 3 plant. It is a very tall plant, with 2 sections, splitting from a v shaped branch near the bottom. It has not been a good producer.

The heat level varies with type one and 2, but both are around the same heat level as the parent plants. Type 3 is much hotter.
Not sure about the location of the topic, but I've got a question for ya... how's that Avocado oil? in terms of taste? nutritional value? compared to other oils such as olive?
Both Avocado and Olive oil taste delicious. Avacodo oil has a much higher burning point than Olive oil. For things that need to be froed for more than a few minutes, it works better than Olive oil.
That's good to know! it hasn't been available here until recently and as part of the initial marketing, they're selling it REALLY cheap. :)