Azamax on Flowering Plant

Hey guys!  I came home today to find a few of my outdoor plants have become the home of whiteflies.  The plants don't show any signs of damage but I want to nip this thing quickly before it gets out of hand.  I'm planning on using Azamax as a foliar spray at 1 tablespoon per 32 oz bottle.  The instructions say to spray the top and underside of the leaf as well as the stem.  It seems very easy for small or growing plants but...
All of my plants are starting to flower and some have small pods starting to it still safe to use Azamax?  Does it need to be washed off?  I'm not sure how I would apply it without getting it on the flowers and peppers so any and all advice is welcomed.
Thanks guys!
How far away to harvest? They state "up until harvest day" but I prefer atleast 4 weeks buffer for systemics. If time does not permit or you are still worried about spraying the fruit directly, use it as a soil drench (potted plants).
I would start at a tsp for 32oz, unless you have used a product before at max dosage it is best to start small, and it is beneficial if you can gain control with less pesticide. Be sure to read all accompanying literature.
Whiteflies - UC IPM
That being said, as you mention, this is the start of the problem and your options are greater. I reach for Azamax after a higher threshold.
Soil drench it is then. I'm going with the weakest dose of 2 TSP per gallon because my infestation isn't really bad yet.
