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Back to the Future

Ten (maybe five for most people) years ago the Red Savina Habanero was the undisputed King of peppers. The past few years have seen the rise of the Bhut, Naga Morich, Dorset Naga, 7-Pot/Pod, and Scorpion to achieve flame-throwing heights we never thought possible. What do you think the next ten years will hold? What pepper will hold the title as the "World's Hottest Pepper"? Where will it come from? Are you growing it now? I have my opinion (hint: the Douglah), but I would love to hear yours.
Ten (maybe five for most people) years ago the Red Savina Habanero was the undisputed King of peppers. The past few years have seen the rise of the Bhut, Naga Morich, Dorset Naga, 7-Pot/Pod, and Scorpion to achieve flame-throwing heights we never thought possible. What do you think the next ten years will hold? What pepper will hold the title as the "World's Hottest Pepper"? Where will it come from? Are you growing it now? I have my opinion (hint: the Douglah), but I would love to hear yours.

Of course there will be the heat mavens; but "heat" seems to be heading towards a pointless pissing contest.
Red and orange Habaneros are still the hottest pepper I've eaten and I'm germinating seeds for Dorsets, bhuts, and chocolate Habs; yellow Fatali, and paper lantern are on the way also. I'll reserve judgement until I've tried them, but unless there is more than "just heat" what's the point?
The flavor of the Habaneros I've eaten is sublime and the heat is liberating and the endorphens blissful.
As I said, because I have no experience with the "super hotties" I can't really opine about them. It's just starting to sound like a "mines bigger than yours" sort of thang, IMO. :cool:
Considering that we know of chillis with over a 1 million shu heat i think we are about a third of the way there.

My analogy is pot. You can get weed with an average THC content that is over 20% or a fifth of it's weight. If you think about the hottest chillis having a Capsaicin content of around a sixteenth we have a long way to go. Imagine a chilli with 20% of it's content being Capsaicin! Around 3.5 million shu.

One can only wait for the day :hell:
Well I don't think the Red Savina Habanero was ever really the undisputed King of peppers, it was disputed right from the beginning just like the siling labuyo, but thats another story. Nagas, bhuts, scorpions etc. have been around a long time so there's nothing really new about them or their heat levels. They have however hit the public eye recently and many people are trying to closet breed their own hottest but I think I'll be the big agencies and seed breeding companies that come up with the next generation super hottie and it probably won't be too long after that when they won't be legal to grow or posess anymore without a proper licence :(
Douglah will never be the hottest in my opinion, the red 7pot/pods and scorpion -BT are already hotter!
Well I don't think the Red Savina Habanero was ever really the undisputed King of peppers, it was disputed right from the beginning just like the siling labuyo, but thats another story. Nagas, bhuts, scorpions etc. have been around a long time so there's nothing really new about them or their heat levels. They have however hit the public eye recently and many people are trying to closet breed their own hottest but I think I'll be the big agencies and seed breeding companies that come up with the next generation super hottie and it probably won't be too long after that when they won't be legal to grow or posess anymore without a proper licence :(
Douglah will never be the hottest in my opinion, the red 7pot/pods and scorpion -BT are already hotter!

+1 That was in fact my next question. I'm more interested in the heritage peppers/Capsicum. For me, that's a whole lot more interesting. :cool:
Considering that we know of chillis with over a 1 million shu heat i think we are about a third of the way there.

My analogy is pot. You can get weed with an average THC content that is over 20% or a fifth of it's weight. If you think about the hottest chillis having a Capsaicin content of around a sixteenth we have a long way to go. Imagine a chilli with 20% of it's content being Capsaicin! Around 3.5 million shu.

One can only wait for the day :hell:

Well, as a very old, major, ex-pothead; I always found the best of the Sativa's far more interesting (and trippy) than the knockout, sleep inducing, and intensively manipulated (GMO), modified Indicas. But like everything else; it's very subjective.
Your analogy doesn't quite translate to capsaicinoids though, IMO. Cheers.
I really don't think that we will have one hold as the hottest pepper for the next ten years because we've got places like CARDI purposefully trying to create the worlds hottest pepper (7 pot SR strain) & the pa353 red developed by US Vegetable Laboratory. Who knows what they will be able to create.
Douglah is a 7 pod cross which pretty much makes it only half 7pot/pod ;)
The word Douglah apparently means something about a relationship with mixed couples(black and white)
We already have pods that are inedible, and don't see them getting much hotter. The last ten years with the help of the internet and sites like this and many other pepper forums we have seen an explosion of capsicum varieties become available. I think this will slow down in the near future as not many new landraces are now being discovered, and all we can hope for is selective breeding of what we already have. I think in ten years the 7 Pod/Scorpion will still be top dog and finally be put in the Guinness World Records. :dance:
Considering that we know of chillis with over a 1 million shu heat i think we are about a third of the way there.

My analogy is pot. You can get weed with an average THC content that is over 20% or a fifth of it's weight. If you think about the hottest chillis having a Capsaicin content of around a sixteenth we have a long way to go. Imagine a chilli with 20% of it's content being Capsaicin! Around 3.5 million shu.

One can only wait for the day :hell:
LOL, at 3.5 million, the government would probably make capsicum illegal for the same pointless reasons they did cannabis: people will "hurt themselves and/or others" and "get really freakin' high." Honestly, I'm surprised they're not already illegal, for causing the brain to naturally release an opiate... hopefully it never suffers the same fate as weed, but in this world I seriously have my doubts. This world is f***ed, and the problem is no other than... us humans. It's pretty bad when I can get drunk as hell or get my cat high on catnip, but possessing marijuana can get you in some real trouble.
I don't find funny to spend months growing a chilli pepper that's so hot that I can't even eat.
I was already considered the chilli maniac amongst my friends when I only grew piri-piri... now that I have Naga's and Bhut's they won't even come close to my greenhouse.

So I already won the "mine's bigger than yours" contest and I bet the same happens with all you guys.

So yeah, I'm fine with a mix of 7pod/Scorp/Naga being the hottest it can get.

Just because a pepper is too hot for you to eat fresh doesn't mean you can't use them in various other ways. Personally I'm a wuss with fresh hot peppers but I process a few hundred pounds of them every year into sauces, salsas, pastes, pickles etc. mostly for personal consumption
LOL, at 3.5 million, the government would probably make capsicum illegal for the same pointless reasons they did cannabis: people will "hurt themselves and/or others" and "get really freakin' high." Honestly, I'm surprised they're not already illegal, for causing the brain to naturally release an opiate... hopefully it never suffers the same fate as weed, but in this world I seriously have my doubts. This world is f***ed, and the problem is no other than... us humans. It's pretty bad when I can get drunk as hell or get my cat high on catnip, but possessing marijuana can get you in some real trouble.

I can move my lips as you speak. :clap: Cheers. :high: