vendor Bakers Peppers is the real deal. Beautiful Pods

First off huge shout out to Dale Baker from Bakers Peppers for the extra incentive. I purchased 3 sfrb of the following 7 Pot Primo, 7 Pot Brain Strain, and Chocolate Scorpion. I've had the Primo before so I couldn't wait so I had to try one of his Primos to see how they were and let me tell you. They have an amazing flavor but the heat is crushing and its still crushing 30 minutes after eating half of one. Anyways much to my surprise when i came home from work I had a medium flat rate box on my porch with the 3
Sfrb in it and on the other side of free space in the box it was filled with 7 Pot Brain Strains and Chocolate Scorpions. I just filled a gallon freezer bag and that was just the Chocolate Scorpions. I'm gonna be making some mean sauce this weekend. Once again thanks Dale if your reading this.


From what I know the bakers have been farming for many years down here in florida---and to do that not only does your product have to be excellent, as noted in the pictures, but u have to do things and treat people the right way----and thats the way i hear bakers peppers does biz--the right way!