food Banana Bread with Scotch Bonnet, Habanero and Y7 Butter


OK, I've wanted to do this for awhile, but getting THSC's Y7 "TurkeySlap" 7-pod sauce plus having fully ripe 'nanas promoted this insanity.

Used this recipe, and then of course I tweaked it.

Banana Bread V

Here's some of my changes:

I also changed:

  • used half whole wheat flour and half white flour
  • added approx. 1/2 tsp. of O-Hab powder, and a whole Jamacian Scotch Bonnet

OK..the pix...

The dry ingredients together + the sugar/butter/vanilla.

Creamed together the Sugar, butter and vanilla...Bananas and Scotch Bonnet added.

Mashifyed..I left it just a bit chunky..we ain't making pound cake.

All is in the bowl now, just mixed with heavy fork until dry stuff is incorporated...gently. We want a nice texture here people. Ya whip it into a paste, it'll suck.

More to come... the toaster oven it goes.

I put foil loosely over the top to keep it from burning at first since the elements are so close...the dish barely fits in tehre...then, about 3/4 though I took it off to get browned nicely.

Gave it the 'ol knife when the top cracks it's usually done.



Now, it goes on the rack to cool a bit while I make the evil Y7 Butter of Doom...

1 Tsp. Y7 goes into about 1 Tbls of softened genuine butter

Forked again...whipped 'em together and woohoo!! Pain Butter!

Now we gotta get these babies together for sum hawt action...

Like THIS...

S6304839.jpg's so just so good....

Thx for the Y7 sauce's a killer...

Cheers folks,

Thx's a keeper aite. :D

The flax was given a whirl in the coffee grinder just a bit..more meal than powdered. Gives a gr8 nutty flavor and it's good for ya too. :)
Win on hold. That expired H&H from purple slaw is in the pic.

If new, win :lol:
Yes, it's new oh picky one. ;p
Bought yesterday...I'm not THAT crazy.


OT: I got 24oz Sam Adams Octoberfest and a a sixer of Newcastle Brown Ale for under $9 today..don't u wish u could in NY? ;)
Yay win! I love nana bread!
All I can say is...proof non-poofer MEN can bake good chilehead stuff.

Even those on fixed income living in a 120yo s***hole and using a toaster oven with nine fingers.

*I nearly cut off bout 1/8" of my left index finger other day..oops.
Fortunately, I know industrial first aid..and I heal very well. ;)

All ended well, and thx again Neil..Y7 is one of those things you have to try to belive.
Man-o-man! You definantly a non-poofer quad!! Thats going to be my favorite term for a while me thinks!
The narny bread look awesome man, i thinks me will HAVE to try this in the very near future as i have some y-7 left and it is begging to be used on something like this.
It would be nice would it not to mix a batch of your y-7 butter to use on everything from toast to scones...

This sounds great i know i love banana bread most people do some spice it would delicious. I will be sure to give this a go.
If you guys keep giving me all these twisted ideas the wife isn't going to let me come here to play anymore. You're not THAT crazy huh Quad..........BS my man!:lol: Nice nana bread bro.
It's yummolicious!

I gave a couple slices to a gal-pal of mine, and she loved it's now chilehead-chick-approved. :D
QuadShotz said:
*I nearly cut off bout 1/8" of my left index finger other day..oops.
Fortunately, I know industrial first aid..and I heal very well. ;)

how did you stop the bleeding? I just had a really sharp knife fall from the rack onto my pinky blood gushing everywhere, all i had was papertowels:( Then i'm required to finish all the dishes was pretty annoying. anywasy off topic i know but I want banana bread!!!!!
Noshownate said:
how did you stop the bleeding? I just had a really sharp knife fall from the rack onto my pinky blood gushing everywhere, all i had was papertowels:( Then i'm required to finish all the dishes was pretty annoying. anywasy off topic i know but I want banana bread!!!!!

Lots of direct pressure...heh.

Actually, just held it tight with a napkin while I ran to the bathroom and scrubbed up with the anti-bacterial soap and then a good wash with rubbing alchohol. (I was cutting raw pork sausage at the I was very concerned about contamination)

Then, just held gauze on it while elevated above my heart to help stop the bleeding. When it did, just a bandaid and some Neosporin. Took two bandaids as the first one kinda soaked through, but it's fine now.