Bangels mini bells - Help me figure these out.

Looking for multiple color mini sweet bell.  So far, have only found red and a mixture of 80 different colors.  Have never known a pepper to have so many colors.  Saw 60 days till maturity and clicked add to cart, but made me wonder about those 80 colors.

Have never heard of a pepper with so many colors.  Kind of wonder if they are growing these side by side and the colors keep combining and recombining via cross pollination.  Maybe the developer tried to isolate the colors out and just sort of gave up?

"Each plant produces a single color of pepper"
I think what they are selling is a mixed packet of miniature Red, Yellow, and Chocolate Bell seeds. I grew the Miniature Chocolate Bell last year. It was OK, a sweetish bell pepper. But they are pretty small, not more than 2" long on average I would say.
"Days to maturity: 60 days green, 80 color" 
I think they are saying it is 80 days from pollination to whichever color the mature pods are going to be (red, yellow or chocolate), not that they are 80 different colors. 
If you want a bell with different colors there is the Romanian Rainbow, but it looks to be a more normal sized bell pepper rather than a miniature type:
BlackFatalii, well I feel like an idiot.,,,,80 for color, duh.  We do grow full size in colors, saw this while looking for miini / baby.  People seem to like them with salads and to brighten a plate.  I've goofed with some from the grocery, stuffing them with this and that.  Lots of work with little reward but it is nice for friends / special occasions for folk who like poppers but not the hotter ones.