food Basic Salsa Recipe

I have a friend who grows the most wonderful tomatoes. He gave me around 50lbs with the condition that I give him some of the salsa. Word spread that I was making salsa and soon I had orders for around 30 pints. Those have already been made and distributed and I still have a bunch more to go. Kind of getting tired of chopping tomatoes at this point, but it feels good to make so many people happy. Here is the basic recipe:

12 large Jetstar tomatoes
2 Vidalia onions
1 large red bell pepper
6-8 jalapenos
6 habaneros
1 bunch cilantro
6 ounces lime juice
3-4 ounces white or rice wine vinegar
sea salt and garlic powder to taste
3-4 Tbs olive oil

Notes: this recipe consistently makes me 7 pints. I chop everything by hand and mix thoroughly before bringing to a boil. If not eating fresh and refrigerating, follow proper canning techniques. Oh, and while chopping the tomatoes, I place the diced ones in a colander over a bowl to drain most of the water before adding them to the mix. I also made some mild batches by not adding the habs. Next, I think I may do one with a mix of superhots.


