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bbg7x ?

hello my fellow chili heads ! i got a plant that was to be a red bbg7 , but seems to be maybe crossed with T.S. . they have the cap , which turns red if left to ripen further . but not sure of the form of the pods ( the bigger / mature )  3 in the pic. i know it is one hot son of a beotch !  but they all are nowadays ! 
 any thoughts ? TKS.  

CAPCOM said:
that one on the right top is awfully dimply. lookin brainish dontcha think?
i was wondering , its the only one thats really dimplish , the other 2 not so much . the littler ones are first wavers so its hard to read into those .  just at piece of the big one , and  :flamethrower:  :fire: