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Beaglestorm and Friends vs. The Douglah Chile (Rematch)

i love it when it's more than one guy. seems more like a social event. a lot friendlier too.

it was so funny that ronnie couldn't talk. lol. there's always gonna be a pepper that's gonna do that. heat levels vary. can't really tell which one's gonna be insanely hot til you've had it.
Had to turn down the volume before Ronnie ate the Douglah but I did faintly hear him say the heat of the Brain Strain was worse, lol. Good Douglah rematch if I'm not mistaken the lineage is cmpman1974>pepper ridge farm>silver_surfer.
The Douglah should have more firepower. I expect 3 out of 3 dudes to be in pain lol.
The third guy only ate a sliver. ;)

your right i wonder if its the true douglah or a chocolate 7pod .
It's the real McCoy. :)

Another nice review guys. I really enjoy watching your performances. Ron got another good ride. :)

Pods were picked the afternoon of 10-21-10, plate of pods were offered 10-22-10 and shipped 10-23-10. So the pods were over 11 days old when consumed late night on 11-01-10 and I'm surprised they hadn't started to go a little soft by then. Apparently the flavor improves when super ripe and I must try one at that stage and give these another chance.

A pod's capsaicinoid content peaks between 28 to 50 days after flowering, begins to decline as it ripens and continues to gradually lose heat the older/more ripe it gets as capsaicinoids continue to be lost/converted. Even so, the Douglah is a mean challenge at any stage in anyone's book. :hell:

I'm glad you enjoyed it and looking forward to your next review.
i love it when it's more than one guy. seems more like a social event. a lot friendlier too.

it was so funny that ronnie couldn't talk. lol. there's always gonna be a pepper that's gonna do that. heat levels vary. can't really tell which one's gonna be insanely hot til you've had it.
Ron said that he was afraid to talk because the burn hit him so fast he thought it was going to keep getting hotter and be the worst ever. Talking or swallowing makes it worse when you’re burning so he took the safe road. LOL He had a good throat burn but said the BrainStrain was by far a much hotter overall burn.

The Douglah should have more firepower. I expect 3 out of 3 dudes to be in pain lol.
Could have been the cooler weather these grew in, also in combination with being a bit more ripe. Like I told you, the first one of yours was wicked then the second one I tried 2-3 weeks later was awesome tasting. Sweet and nutty and really really delicious. I was shocked. Yours still had good heat too. These are a must grow for me next year now.

:rofl: RONNNN :rofl: was having a baby
Thanks Judy. Look for him to actually give birth later this week when your Butch T arrives. LOL! (or maybe Buddy's 7 or scorpion too)

Had to turn down the volume before Ronnie ate the Douglah but I did faintly hear him say the heat of the Brain Strain was worse, lol. Good Douglah rematch if I'm not mistaken the lineage is cmpman1974>pepper ridge farm>silver_surfer.
Yes, that Brainstrain was by far hotter. For me, it is a toss up between that one and Buddy's Jonah.

That dude Ron is hilarious :rofl:
Thanks Jay, Ron is definitely "High Energy". He has been like that since I met him 25 years ago. Funny thing is people say I am high energy too, so that makes Ron some sort of experimental radioactive material not yet cataloged or discovered. LOL

Great reviewing trio.
Thanks, hopefully we can do a few more with all three of us. Coordinating kids and time off from the wives is a major challenge for the three of us to get together though.
The third guy only ate a sliver. ;)

It's the real McCoy. :)

Another nice review guys. I really enjoy watching your performances. Ron got another good ride. :)

Pods were picked the afternoon of 10-21-10, plate of pods were offered 10-22-10 and shipped 10-23-10. So the pods were over 11 days old when consumed late night on 11-01-10 and I'm surprised they hadn't started to go a little soft by then. Apparently the flavor improves when super ripe and I must try one at that stage and give these another chance.

A pod's capsaicinoid content peaks between 28 to 50 days after flowering, begins to decline as it ripens and continues to gradually lose heat the older/more ripe it gets as capsaicinoids continue to be lost/converted. Even so, the Douglah is a mean challenge at any stage in anyone's book. :hell:

I'm glad you enjoyed it and looking forward to your next review.
Thanks SS. Actually, if you watch, Jason ate the whole half. He started with the sliver then popped the rest in his mouth midway through the video.

It most certainly is the real McCoy. But, I think pod flavor definitely improves with age on these douglah’s. I experienced that first hand with Tom’s douglah pods. The 2-3 week old one was absolutely delicious vs. the battery acid taste of the 3 day old one. I am glad Ron and Jason were able to confirm it was not my imagination that they tasted good. Great info on the capsicum content SS, Thanks I have been wondering about that. Been trying your non-superhots all weekend will post written reviews soon. Major burns still coming up Buddy’s 7 Jonah and Scorpion and maybe Yellow 7. Judy’s Butch T and a hopefully one of her rare Brown 7’s. Ed may also be sending a some scorchers later this month.

Great review guys, although, REM = major loss of cool points,LOL. I'd expect that type of music if you reviewing bell-peppers, but the douglah?
LOL Thanks FCB! I will always have a soft spot for 80's music. Blame Direct TV's 80's channel for that particular REM track. Definitely not on my list of definitive 80's bands, but I still catch myself singing along when I hear it.

Thanks Captain! Ron is already concerned I am going to make him start eating a whole pod. I think that we wil save that for Pleasures of the Placenta - Season 2
another really entertaining video review - got to love ronnie. as always, nicely done. i ate about a 1/4 of one of the douglahs that Silver Surfer sent - and it was all that i could take.
great review mike! your friend might need some ridalin!LOL. if that is silver surfers douglah it is the real thing. i had them during the height of the season. that might be the difference because the 2 i ate from him were insanely hot. oh, by the way mike , the mutant 7pods have turned orange! i split one with a friend lastnight. i don't think heat will be a problem with these. they have spikes like a douglah , they are shaped like barrackpore and they are orange! i'm keeping the plant alive as many years as possible. it might be a yellow 7 crossed with a red 7pod.sometime this weekend i'll send you a mutant and some red 7pods.
another really entertaining video review - got to love ronnie. as always, nicely done. i ate about a 1/4 of one of the douglahs that Silver Surfer sent - and it was all that i could take.
Hi Buddy, thanks for the kind words. Your package should be back on its way tomorrow with everything you asked for. Those peppers (and the extras) you sent look great. Just holding those Red 7's in my hand makes my stomach quiver. Can’t wait to try one of your scorpions too. Those douglah have turned out to be very tasty, I think you will enjoy them if you give them a week or two to mellow out after you pick them.

great review mike! your friend might need some ridalin!LOL. if that is silver surfers douglah it is the real thing. i had them during the height of the season. that might be the difference because the 2 i ate from him were insanely hot. oh, by the way mike , the mutant 7pods have turned orange! i split one with a friend lastnight. i don't think heat will be a problem with these. they have spikes like a douglah , they are shaped like barrackpore and they are orange! i'm keeping the plant alive as many years as possible. it might be a yellow 7 crossed with a red 7pod.sometime this weekend i'll send you a mutant and some red 7pods.
Hi Ed, I think we are officially addicted to Capsicum. I hope I never get that call to join the space program as I will no doubt fail the psychological review with a crazy tag. There is no other explanation why we subject ourselves to this torture. LOL That Orange crossed chile sounds neat. How does it taste?
LOL Thanks FCB! I will always have a soft spot for 80's music. Blame Direct TV's 80's channel for that particular REM track. Definitely not on my list of definitive 80's bands, but I still catch myself singing along when I hear it.

Its all good, I'm just one of those people who avoids the same music my parents listen to. LOL
you'll like the orange mutant compared to the other 7s , really different flavour. i've only eaten half of one so far. the guy i shared the pod with made all kinds of funny noises while consuming his half! i'm puting the plant in the house next week to ensure i have it next year. we're calling it the savannah 7pod. it's a big mother. i can't wait till you review it!the red 7s are no joke either. they are naga shaped but about 2 inches. they are a throat murderer! should have those to you by next week. take care mike. o'h and take ronnie to a medtitation class would you!lol.
You guys rock! Tell the new guy it's OK to show the effects of the peppers--no fun when they play it too cool.