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BeagleStorm and Ronnie vs. The BrainStrain 7 Pod Chile

BeagleStorm: Sweep the leg.
[BrainStrain Chile stares at BeagleStorm in shock]
BeagleStorm: Do you have a problem with that?
BrainStrain Chile: No, Sensei.
BeagleStorm: No mercy.

Wow that was awesome! My old nemesis, the BrainStrain, has reared its ugly head once again. It did not even flinch this time. It had its way with us and moved on. I almost kept sleeping tonight, but Ron kept texting me to come over so fortunately I did. Everybody knows what a BrainStrain is by now so let’s just get on with it. I arrived at Ron’s house and he was like a caged cat in heat. He was bouncing off the walls and about 100 times more psyched to eat this than I was. It was a beautiful pepper as usual nice and pimply and evil with a solid hollow plastic feel. Slicing it open we got the signature whoosh of fruity devil sweat. Up close it had a nice fruity aroma with a medium balanced and enjoyable capsicum odor. The inside looked evil with a very heavy oil soaked placenta and lots of capsicum oil drops throughout the interior. Seed count was medium about 25 -30 seeds. Flavor was nice and balanced with the capsicum. It was fruity with a hint of sweetness at the start. It actually was unusually strong because it still managed to shine through the extreme heat the pepper produced. Heat was phenomenal and very intense. It was directed almost exclusively at the mouth and tongue. Which is strange, as all the previous 7’s attacked the throat with relentless fury. Burn in the mouth was a very painful blowtorch to the tongue and mouth. Just a few seconds of throat discomfort. This ranks up in the top 3 hottest I have had with Buddy’s Jonah. Buddy’s had a throat burn that was unbelievable but not nearly as much mouth burn as this Brainstrain. Ron was flying high after the test and is now even more pumped for the Douglah. Stomach discomfort was also unusually mild. Almost non-existant… I love it. Ron had a little stomach problems about an hour later but a glass of milk and he was good. This is now my favorite Red 7 pod, although I still prefer Judy’s Scorpions which tasted much much nicer. See ya tomorrow! Thanks again SS that BS Rocked!


Bravo Ronnie and Beaglestorm for the review, that looked like it was painful and fun at the same time. You can see BeagleStorm getting wise and not chomping the half like Ronnie, but he did finish. I just cannot eat a raw Brain Strain anymore the pain is so intense that it just about passes me out. Kudos to both of you, Cappy's stamp of approval.
I recently got my batch-o-pods from SS as well!!

Ronnie, I have to say I was almost as excited as you when I saw those 'lil red brains. I just couldn't wait to try one. I have tried some really hot peppers but I would say never a REAL superhot. Just what some seed companies consider to be at the top of the heat scale. Probably because that is the hottest they offer.

I most definately did not even eat a half a pod. More like just the part that looks like the "stinger" coming out of the middle. I am SSSSSOOOOOOOO thankful i saw someone's advice to use saltine crackers of dried fruit to kill the burn. I was just about ready to cut my mouth off and deal with the pain of bleedin!! And this didn't last about 10 minutes. For about half an hour I felt like that guy on "Youtube" from Hawaii who ate the placenta from a bhut. Okay maybe not quite that bad!!!

Great Review guys!!
Fantastic review guys, although it took me forever to DL it on this crappy dial up connection.

From getting ripped off to hate. :rofl:

I'm glad Ronnie finally didn't feel ripped off and got his heat rush. :mouthonfire:

Looking forward to seeing you two and the close encounter with the Douglah. :)
BRAIN!!!!! =D

i love brain. lol. not that i've had any.

it's just awesome to look at.
Yep it is one cool yet evil looking pepper. I had forgotten how nice it was.

Bravo Ronnie and Beaglestorm for the review, that looked like it was painful and fun at the same time. You can see BeagleStorm getting wise and not chomping the half like Ronnie, but he did finish. I just cannot eat a raw Brain Strain anymore the pain is so intense that it just about passes me out. Kudos to both of you, Cappy's stamp of approval.
Thanks Cappy! This was a lot of fun to eat, especially with out the throat burn. (I think that was a fluke, I am expecting a major throat burn to be back next time I try it) The mouth burn was fantastic!

I know what they say.....................then he cant talk!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Good job man!
Hey thanks Sean, This was a fun one. Really took your breath away. Ron is starting to understand that your either all-in or curled up in a blanket on the couch. Heheheh

wow! That was probably the best review I've ever seen! Ron was feening for that thing like a crack-head! HAHA
Thanks FCB, I try and keep my composure so that I can relay the experience to everyone better. It sure is nice to have Ron now so he can just let loose and let the pepper control him. You get to see both sides of the coin now.

greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat job Mik and Ron
Judy Thanks again... Your Scorpions are holding tuff as champs for taste.
I recently got my batch-o-pods from SS as well!!

Ronnie, I have to say I was almost as excited as you when I saw those 'lil red brains. I just couldn't wait to try one. I have tried some really hot peppers but I would say never a REAL superhot. Just what some seed companies consider to be at the top of the heat scale. Probably because that is the hottest they offer.

I most definately did not even eat a half a pod. More like just the part that looks like the "stinger" coming out of the middle. I am SSSSSOOOOOOOO thankful i saw someone's advice to use saltine crackers of dried fruit to kill the burn. I was just about ready to cut my mouth off and deal with the pain of bleedin!! And this didn't last about 10 minutes. For about half an hour I felt like that guy on "Youtube" from Hawaii who ate the placenta from a bhut. Okay maybe not quite that bad!!!

Great Review guys!!
Thanks NorTex, Ron watched the video after it was over and the endorphins had chilled him out. He was in shock how amped up he was. He said he literally had been thinking about it all day getting ready for it. He though it really help him get through the agony. He also watched the youtube video of Gabby eating the entire BrainStrain over and over to prepare.

Beag, you are the consummate reviewer. A machine. Thanks for the great review.
Hi CA Thanks. When you put it like that It makes me think of those people that review wines. I used to laugh at them so much when I would read things like "The bouquet was an adventure of flavors including Tar, Road salt, raspberry and a hint of leather on the finish" Arghhh now I sound just like them. I guess when you really love something you can't help but be sucked into the event horizon. As long as my body holds up reviews will continue. I wish I had started this when I was in my 20’s. Hahaha

nice review! can't wait to do this one! did ron live? douglah time guys. lets see it.
Ron is doing ok. He has called me severl tiimes today to ask how I am feeling so I know he is hurting. I feel a bit off as well. Ron said he feels like he is hung over.

Fantastic review guys, although it took me forever to DL it on this crappy dial up connection.

From getting ripped off to hate. :rofl:

I'm glad Ronnie finally didn't feel ripped off and got his heat rush. :mouthonfire:

Looking forward to seeing you two and the close encounter with the Douglah. :)
I gave Ron a hard time about that SS.... Kind of hard to fell ripped of when you did not pay for anything and received them as a gift. He felt bad about that comment, and I know I have put my foot in my mouth a few times making these videos. We do really appreciate it though, Ron is still shocked that someone would be kind enough take the time to pick and package and mail this box to us. As for the Hate comment… I’m not sure if I can apologize for that one, hehehehe. That BS was fricking hot. We will just claim temporary insanity for that one.

Ron has been texting and calling me all day about how the BrainStrain has been oozing slowly through him. I think we are going to do a Fatali tonight to give him a break. (Or can you recommend another one with a great flavor?) He comes back from his trip on Monday, and since the Douglah is the last Superhot he has not tried he will have all weekend to get psyched up about it again. He will be pretty docile if I push him eat it tonight. I think it I will visit him for Monday night Football them we can have it after that. (or maybe halftime) Thanks again SS The BS was Awesome.
Standing O gentlemen. :clap: :clap: :clap: I had tears in my eyes and damn near pee in my pants. This is without a doubt the most entertaining review I have ever witnessed.
outstanding. i think that this may be my favorite video that you guys have done. well done! i think that i have another red 7 laying around if ronnie wants to give it a try.
No, his comments don't offend me at all and are part of what makes the review entertaining.

The Yellow Scorps aren't bad and not super hots, about the same heat level as a Fatalii. Either one of those will seem tame after the BS.
No, his comments don't offend me at all and are part of what makes the review entertaining.

The Yellow Scorps aren't bad and not super hots, about the same heat level as a Fatalii. Either one of those will seem tame after the BS.

I hear ya... all in fun. We did the Fatali tonight as Ron was leaving on an 8 AM flight and did not want to be spending his entire flight in the airplanes lavatory. We will be back on track starting Monday with the Douglah.