BeagleStorm vs. The Red7 Pod - A Written Review

Just got crushed by a Red 7 Pod that Buddy sent me. I am so mad right now because I used the “Record Video from your Webcam” feature on Youtube… just like I have for all the other videos. After I finished recording the video it started uploading the video then just hung. Searched everywhere for the temporary video file – Vivid memories of my hatred for Windows Vista were renewed. Lost the video. So I will do my best to give you a play by play.

For the first 2 ½ minutes I explained how apprehensive I was about doing another 7 pod. The 7 Buddy sent me was truly evil looking (Pictures will be up tomorrow) The Red 7 pod looked like a Jonah but Buddy just labeled it Red 7 pod. It was very dense and felt like plastic just like the 7 Primo. I Sliced it in half and missed the middle so one half was completely sealed with a window of placenta. Really menacing and intimidating. The other piece was open and visible… lots of oil drops and the entire inside walls covered with white oily soaked placenta. Just like the 7SR, when I sliced Buddy’s open, there was a whoosh of aroma. Not as fruity as the 7SR but still nice. Took a small bite of the lesser evil half, taste was slightly chemical and slightly fruity. Pretty similar in flavor to the 7 Primo but I think I like this one a bit more… not as much chemical taste. Kept eating the rest of the half and finished it up about 3:30. No immediate heat just a building tingle in the back tongue and throat. Then around 5 minutes Boom it hit hard. Double blow torch to the back of the throat and for the first time …. Hiccups (for about 30 seconds) and at about 7:15 a rolling tear. Uncomfortable pain lasted till about 9:00 minutes. I was squirming and shifting my feet most of the video. I commented about, “How could I be stupid enough to do another one of these 7’s.” I also remember that I was having trouble coming up with things to say as I was pretty distracted by the heat. Lots of babbling so maybe it’s better the video was lost. This one had quite a bit of seeds, medium I would say.

I was really freaking out that my stomach was going to just implode because of how much I ate and how hot it was, but my Hail Mary Idea of eating an entire bag of popcorn a few minutes before the review seems to have worked. I only had minor pains… like maybe thumbtacks in my gut instead of daggers and razor blades. Stomach is still quite a bit uncomfortable an hour later but it is bearable and it was never, “I going to die”. Still I am asking my self if it is worth it and I am with out hesitation answering NO! I can’t imagine the pain Ed’s full scorpion caused and after this I know I will be limiting the size of the piece I eat. I keep reminding myself that I started this journey to find the best tasting peppers not the hottest. I know my heat tolerance in the mouth and throat has shot through the roof, but I don’t think your stomach ever gets used to them being that hot. (Do they?) I still want to taste every chile I get an opportunity to try, but I will use a little more tact. Ok it’s late will add some more thoughts (and pictures) after a good sleep.

Feeling much better today. I don't hate 7 Pods like I did last night (Well, maybe the Red ones just a little). I am back to feeling comfortable with the thought of trying anything again . (albeit half a pod or less). Felt that little guy moving all night, but this morning I was fine. That was definitely the hottest I have had so far. I would say… This pod, then the Yellow 7, then the 7 Primo, then the 7SR and finally the Chocolate 7. Flavor wise, it would be in reverse Chocolate, (7SR & Yellow) Tie, Buddy's Red 7, and last the Primo. Here are some photos of the beast. I am curious to see where Douglah will be located on my flavor scale.



Im right there with ya Beagle. I like eating raw peppers, but I like the better tasting ones. A lot of the super hots taste a LOT alike, with only minor ME. I can eat a whole pepper, true. But its times like THAT that make you ask yourself "why in the F--- did I just do that?!" Why do you think I use a baby spoon for my sauces? lol That way I can do more than one a day! That and it doesnt kill my stomach quite as bad. Especially after The Hottest Sauce in the Universe....
Im right there with ya Beagle. I like eating raw peppers, but I like the better tasting ones. A lot of the super hots taste a LOT alike, with only minor ME. I can eat a whole pepper, true. But its times like THAT that make you ask yourself "why in the F--- did I just do that?!" Why do you think I use a baby spoon for my sauces? lol That way I can do more than one a day! That and it doesnt kill my stomach quite as bad. Especially after The Hottest Sauce in the Universe....

Thanks Wasatch and Sean. I think the Bhuts and Nagas have a perfect amount of heat fresh. Even that Chocolate 7 tasted so darn good that it made the pain worth it. The rest… I see lots of powder in my future. Can anyone comment if the Scorpion is a mouth/tongue burn or a throat burn? For me the 7’s have just a little mouth burn, but the throat always lights up.
the scorp is all throat, and the worst all throat. i'm glad your up for the idea of trying the red 7 again because they're coming to ya real soon. that one in the picture looks like a different 7 though. if you watch neils red7 video they are naga shaped. thats what mine look like. don't worry i'll do a vid first so you know what will happen.the yellows are avalanching! lots of those. so no video huh? damn! i would have loved to see the mumbling and tearing. oh well , there's always next time! great review michael!
good write up beagle...

7s will definitely get your attention but as has been said..."they aint' nothin' like a Scorpion"...

I will not eat a whole pod...but I definitely like about 1/4 tsp of 7 pot puree in a 16 oz bloody mary...wonderful tasting...
That looks just like the Jonah's I got growing. Great pod and very hot. The ButchT scorpion is the worst. When I tried it, I lost my sense of taste for the rest of the day and had blisters on my lips the next day. A truly nuclear pod considering I only ate a tiny sliver.

the scorp is all throat, and the worst all throat. i'm glad your up for the idea of trying the red 7 again because they're coming to ya real soon. that one in the picture looks like a different 7 though. if you watch neils red7 video they are naga shaped. thats what mine look like. don't worry i'll do a vid first so you know what will happen.the yellows are avalanching! lots of those. so no video huh? damn! i would have loved to see the mumbling and tearing. oh well , there's always next time! great review michael!

I just bought a HiDef Flip type camcorder today so I will be using that from this point on. I think future videos hold great promise of mumbling and tearing so you did not miss much with this botched video. Bring on more of the tears and pain in brilliant HD video... Hahaha. I'll be ready with my bag of popcorn whenever your package arrives... please take your time sending it... you want them to be juuuust right ... no need to rush them and compromise any uhhhh flavor or heat. Yea... Ok?

good write up beagle...

7s will definitely get your attention but as has been said..."they aint' nothin' like a Scorpion"...

I will not eat a whole pod...but I definitely like about 1/4 tsp of 7 pot puree in a 16 oz bloody mary...wonderful tasting...

AJ - What is your 7 Pod of choice for best flavor?
my homegrown that I have been growing for 3 years...originally from one of the members in Trinidad...

honestly, my palate can not discern between the 7s...butI choose mine just because... ;)
That looks just like the Jonah's I got growing. Great pod and very hot. The ButchT scorpion is the worst. When I tried it, I lost my sense of taste for the rest of the day and had blisters on my lips the next day. A truly nuclear pod considering I only ate a tiny sliver.


I thought it looked like a Jonah. Great! Now all I have left that I need to taste is Ed's Naga shaped 7, the Barrackpore 7 and any other Brown 7’s I can get my hands on. I would like to grow 1 Red, 1 Yellow and all the brown or chocolate 7s I can find next year. That Chocolate 7 you sent me is going to make my season next year… a thousand thanks for that one Jacob. If the seeds from that pod don’t germinate, I will be begging you for a few more seeds and feel compelled to send you the 2 grand I was planning to send Patrick for his Pinocchio Seven Pod hahaha.

As for the Scorpion, somebody is watching out for me... I have somehow managed to evade doing a Scorpion all season as you know. Same with my plants.... out of the three SuperHots I am growing the Scorpion is the only one that will not set pods. (Naga Morich and Chocolate Bhut finally did) I know Butch will find me soon and I want to be prepared… I don’t want him pulling a knife on me in some dark alley behind the local grocery store. heheheh
your scorpions should start setting fruit within the next week...or at least I hope so...I have pollen on my open flowers today...
Beaglestorm: you're truly doing a great job in tasting and reviewing all of these different varieties.
Thanks buddy you sent me some really unique peppers. i really appreciate the opportunity to be able to sample everything you sent. That 7 was one of the best looking pods I have seen.