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pics Believe I have fried my chili plants, advice needed (pics)...

Well, plants are looking a little crisp. I can attribute it to one or more of three things: over fertilizing, bad water, chili pepper flakes as a squirrel deterrent. All three variables occurred at the same time.

1) I planted in fafard pro mix. The bag said nothing about any ferts present, and advised me to fertilizer when plant growth slowed. I added less the the recommended amount of tomato tone at planting time, and after two or three weeks surface dressed with an 8-5-5.

2) I had been using a hose adapter so I could water from my kitchen sink with a hose, until I found an underground water faucet. Damn thing was covered in spider webs, no telling how long that water had been sitting in the pipe. Probably a bad move.

3) I spread the grocery store McCormick brand chili flakes around the soil beginning two weeks ago to deter squirrels. Of course, I assumed that the chili flakes were just that, chili flakes, and didn't consider the possible presence of preservatives such as salt.

Anyways, here are the pics of the plants that look the worst:

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Current plan of action, sadly, is to start over. While financially and timewise feasible I am just going to replace the crisped seedlings. I am going to get rid of all the soil, fortunately they are in plastic pots so I am not worried about bad things that might have leeched in the pot. I am going to replant, again with fafard professional. Looks like quality stuff, I just think I underestimated its nutrient content. Therefore, I am going to add in an even smaller amount of tomato tone, mostly as a way to help the organic content of the soil not necessarily as a fert. I am going to wait a full month before I consider fertilizing with anything, and it will be a liquid based organic fertilizer or maybe tomato tone diluted in water. Son of a bitch this is so aggravating.
I think I can see some strange leaf format in the second picture but besides that I see nothing wrong with your plants.
What exactly do you see that we don't?

hmmmmm your plants look better than some of my seedlings.. just flush them with water if you feel that you have over fert them..
I don't know what Fafard is,or what it's made of but the pics look like a wood based mix.
Might need extra nitrogen.
But 8-5-5 should be good enough I think.

Second pic has some yellowing.

Could be a bunch of things doing that.

Did you look under the leaves for bugs or whatever?
Check soil for cutworms,grubs?

Unless you don't have good drainage,I'd flush the pots in case you got salt or whatever from your flakes and then fertilise and see what happens.

Plants look not that bad off.
Nothing they can't come back from I think.

I've had bare sticks come back.

Migth want to dig around in the soil of the worst one to check for grubs or similar critters,just in case.
Plants tend to fall over if the roots getting eaten or are bad/rotting...Yours don't look like they are doing that.
Yeah man, I wouldnt worry about it. The plants dont look too bad at all. MAYBE give them some shade for a day or two. Just flush them with some water, baby them for a few days, at MOST. Other than that, yeah, they look good. Dont lose faith. These little suckers are VERY resilient.
If those plants look the worst then you've got no problems, I dream my plants looked that well.

No offense Southernfried but your post seems as crazy as this guy:
My plants where attacked by white flies and they pulled through and they also survived several nights below freezing. Don't get rid of em split the plants up and give em some fresh soil?
Nice plants.

yup nice plants! dont toss them guys they will be just fine put them in the sun and let them grow grow grow and leave them alone till they absolutly show signs of needing water then water them good and leave them alone some more after a few weeks and a few good dryout/water go arounds hit them with some half strength MG tomato food. If your still bent on killing these lil guys off send me a pm for my address :P
Yes, those look terrible. You should send them to me for disposal. Ha. I see nothing wrong with the plants. Those look very hearty. You want to know what bad plants look like I could send you pictures of mine.

Good luck!
Tim H
If those plants look the worst then you've got no problems, I dream my plants looked that well.

No offense Southernfried but your post seems as crazy as this guy:

HAHAHAHAHA. that is excellent

The picture quality is not that great, but all of the new growth and the upper leaves randomly one day crisped up. It can't be the sun, they are well established. It looks absolutely nothing like sun scald. The color of the leaves changed, even the texture. And by that I mean brittle like paper. It's been getting progressively worse and I just don't want to be left with dead brown plants and no chilis mid june. I already flushed them with water and will give it another go, but I am going to plant back ups as well.
Perfect excuse to pot them up and separate them into different containers and add new soil. I bet you'll find many of them pulling through.

Good luck.