• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Bell peppers

Do you grow bell peppers? Which bell varieties are your favorites? Hybrid or heirloom?

I have been thinking about trying a couple of bell varieties during 2024. I do not see any of the heirloom varieties getting much hype online. Maybe the hybrid varieties are sweeter, thicker walled, more productive?

I may try growing a hybrid variety or two from Burpee or Johnnys.
We grew Lesya peppers.
A sweet thick walled pod great for stuffing & fresh use.
Not going back to standard bells.
The Big antep aci dolma plants are doing great & starting to set peppers.

im growing all the bell peppers but there all seedlings yet is purple brown white red orange green & yellow i want to cross reaper with bell and make dinosaur reaper hehe kissing them together helps and they make new peppers is so simple fingers crossed