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beni highlands/ harold's st barts

I would like to inquire of those that have ever grown either of these varieites on their flavor, productivity, etc. for those who have grown both which did you like better?
thanks in advance

200th post! :) :fireball:
there both wonderful, the beni is quite mild, but the barts is delicious!! there both worth growing
both are very prolific
hope this helps

thanks Joe
I've grown both and they're completely different. As Joe states the "Highlands" is milder. I found it to produce with a wave of chili's that ripened all together before the plant produced the 2nd group of flowers. Smaller to medium size plants

The "Bart's" is a great tasting hab that keeps producing all season. Juicer than the Caribbean Red but not as hot. 2 to 3ft with a bushier growth habit.......+1 with this one
