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Best brand of BT


Wondering what the best brand of BT is, if it goes by any other names, and where to get it. I had problems with cabbage loopers in the past on my broccolli and brussel sprouts but just picked them off and squish! Gone. But I walked out today to find my squash, cukes, and watermelon decimated overnight. Turns out I had pickleworms. I saw one on my pepper plant. I went to war. They live inside the plant so I had to destroy all my hard work (just not the peppers thank god).
I will be more careful to check everywhere on plants earlier in the future before they become a problem again.

Actually, I just made a post with pics about my war in growing other forum today with these pests, you should check it out! Dont know how to post links yet. :confused:

Guess I'll just put it here I cant figure out how to work links.

Posted Today, 05:06 PM
Slept in today and woke up around noon. I decided to go check all my plants as I always do everyday or so. I turned the back corner of my house and (gasp!) to my horror, I saw my cucumbers and squash were dead as a doornail, overnight. The watermelon wasnt looking so hot either...
So after closer inspection I saw some holes in my first watermelon ever that I had been daily checking the progress on. After a little searching on google images I found out I had pickleworms. They only seem to affect cucurbits , such type plants as cucumbers, squash, and melons. Thier favorite is squash, though. It was time for them to go. I had to destroy all of my plants and promptly burn them. I wont say they didnt put up a fight...they did have the numbers, but it was victory by a landslide. I won.

Guess i'll be picking up some BT soon before this happens again.

The melon:


The worms:



No more squash and cukes: :tear:


Weapons of war:



In ya go...:


Light em up:


Watch it go!


Burn baby burn!!


Sorry if this is sort of in the wrong area, Im new to forums in general and dont know the ins and outs of doing things.
(but there was a worm on my pepper plant, so I think that counts). :)
I use Safer brand caterpilliar killer. You may also want to look into Spinosad. I use both products on a biweekly basis, alternating each week between the two. The combination has saved my brassicas. I was finding 2-3 loopers on every plant, now I have seen a live one in 3 weeks.
Those loopers can be hard to spot sometimes until a lot of damage has been done. Curioously, in the squash plants I burned, one was even living in the stem with the pickleworms, not thier usual feeding habit at all.