Best Fatalii to grow for "flavor"

What is your go-to preference in the Fatalii family for flavor?
Are there good, better and best according to color, Yellow, red, chocolate....?
What do you grow the most of in the Fatalii family?
How do you best use your Fatalii favorite?
Lots of questions, hopefully lots of opinions and ideas.
I haven't had the chocolate, but the yellow fatalii is still one of my all-time favorites. Every year I use it a lot in fresh dishes, and make a giant batch of yellow hot sauce (also included: TS Yellows).
I haven't had any fatalii yet. Last yea my plant did very poorly. This year i'm growing Yellow and white. I'm rather excited about the white fatalii after watching Nigels review on it. But then again he gets pretty excited about almost every pepper he eats. Reason my grow list keeps growing.
I have grown the yellows a few years back and the plants were very prolific.  I got my seeds that year from  They had the heat, but the flavor from what I remember was not good at all.
Not sure you can go wrong. I've eaten yellow, red, cream, white & chocolate. All are good. Hard to beat the most common yellow, but the chocolates stood out too. Currently growing yellow, red, white, chocolate, peach & black + some fatalii crosses. 
Naga Chomper said:
Get your seeds from Judy, her fatallis are delicious. And do the yellow.
I did. They don't taste bad to me, but they cannot compare to my yellow 7 pots. The Scotch bonnet MoA even tastes crappy compared to them. I think I've gotten really spoiled with my yellow 7 pots, lol.
I grew yellow fatalii last year for the first time from seeds. Very prolific and plenty hot. Tasted great as well. My main uses are with hot sauce, jellies and powders. Pairs well with fruity, and citrus foods. I haven't grown any of the other fatalii types/colors but I've grown pretty fond of most of the yellow/orange varieties of chilies that I've tried. I'm definitely keeping this variety in production. Overwintered a couple plants from last year and have more seedlings started.
I am growing Judy's white fatalii this year and it will be my first time growing any fatalii
I plan on using them for pepper jelly ,salsa and powder
For years the Yellow Fatalii has always been my favorite pepper for pure taste, then I ended up with a Freak Red Fatalii last year, "Red Fatalii Not". Now I can't be sure if it's a true Fatalii (most likely some Hybrid). It actually grew from Yellow Fatalii seed. But it has quickly become one of my most favorite peppers for taste and heat. With that said, I have never cared much for the True Red Fatalii's, but the Chocolate Fatalii's from Judy I enjoyed very much.  
Have only had red n yellow.  Prefer the yellow.  Hope this makes sense.  I like the flavor of the red, but it doesn't have some of the taste I associate with red chili.  Then again, when I eat yellow water melon I have to close my eyes becaue something doesnt seem right.
Has anyone had good luck with chocolate fatalii peppers?  The plant I grew from seed last year produced well but didn't have any heat.