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Best peppers to grow?

haha wow, there are hundreds of varieties just grow them all!?
Any selection criteria ex: not too hot, not too big, good for sauces, good for stuffing?
i like to grow a long cayenne as lots of recipes i see call for it, and its cool to have a really long pepper lol, also non chiliheads don't run terrified when they hear the name.
If you want something different i would suggest a citrus tasting pepper fatalii, lemon drop, etc
I'm enjoying poblanos for stuffing / appetizers.
of course superhots for the wow factor: bhuts or nagas are better for newbies than reapers / morugas in my opinion.
just go browse pepperlover.com and try not to order over 20 varieties.  :rolleyes:
I've tried cayennes before and loved them. Not overwhelming but a good taste. Anything exotic or unique? I am currently growing ghost peppers, jalapeños, bell peppers, and cayenne.
I want to grow those next year. My jalapeños are wilting bad this year and my ghost peppers leaves are falling off for no reason. The leaves are a dark green but just fall off
aji pineapple, yellow 7 pod, jays peach, moa scotch bonnet, SB7j, rocoto, aji verde, billy biker jalapeno, bahamian goat, goronong, bonda ma jacques, thai sun, alma paprika, hungarian hot wax,
thats a great start imo
Aji and scotch bonnets for a great balance of heat and flavor...............I have over a dozen varieties ready for next years garden.
Emald001 said:
Why are the reapers and the morugas not a beginner variety?  Just curious? 
oh because they are so hot and seem to produce less than bhuts, they aren't necessarily harder to grow.
ConMan1717 said:
I want to grow those next year. My jalapeños are wilting bad this year and my ghost peppers leaves are falling off for no reason. The leaves are a dark green but just fall off
Then you need to find out why.  Blindly trying another variety probably won't help - all you'll wind up doing is killing them as well.
Post pictures and a description of the soil and growing conditions so people can hopefully offer advice.
reapers are very easy to grow, as with most chinense if not all.
they take a while to get going, but once they do they are pretty much a care free plant
As a first year grower, I have found that my Hungarian Wax peppers and Jim Nardello peppers are rocking out with pods.  They are both very abundant, easy growing, and taste nice.