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water Best Water/Hydrogen peroxide mix for killing gnats


eXtreme Business
I finally got myself a bottle of hydrogen peroxide to take care of my gnat and larva problem with my plants and was wondering what the best mix ratio with be of water to hydrogen peroxide to kill these guys without doing damage to the plants?
Hydrogen peroxide didn't work for me back in spring of 2011, and my seedlings were totally infested. It "may" kill off the younger life cycles but the hydrogen peroxide turns benign too quick and stops working. Which means the living/flying gnats would soon have nice clean soil to lay fresh eggs in.

I even experimented with watered down bleach, i sprayed it into a cup of infested dirt, the gnat larva would come to the top and go crazy, but the cup would be re-infested within a week or so.

Check out my post in the other fungus gnat thread for a proven solution: http://thehotpepper...._20#entry685274
I actually applied a dunk to my plants this morning. And as far as the sticky traps I'm buying some more tomorrow since the last one I used had well over 40 flies on it as of today by my estimation.
Let the top of the soil dry out is the first step. Keeping the soil surface wet is what keeps them there.
When they are stirred up vacuum as many as you can, that's a good start.
I never had much luck with BT dunks.