preservation Best way to store peppers after harvest?

How long do you want to save them? Where I live, maybe a week on the counter before going soft, lasts a little longer in the fridge but after that they get chewiness.
Flavor remains if you freeze or dry them.
If you want to keep the peppers fresh, use those VeggieFresh bags, they really do help!  I can keep peppers in the fridge for 3-4 weeks in the veggie bags.  GLAD brand has some in most grocery stores, I've gotten them a loooong time ago from CampMor, several brands on the market.  And! They are reusable~ :)
You got options; as others have hinted, a lot depends on what kind of Chiles you're storing. More important, in my opinion, is how you ultimately plan to use the pod(s) in question.
I refrigerate what I plan to eat on their own or chop up fresh. What I know will go bad otherwise ends up being sealed in vacuum bags with a FoodSaver and put in my deep freezer.
I still have peppers in my freezer from last season and they're fine to cut up and cook into a meal.
I like to smoke, dehydrate, and freeze chipotles whole with the stem.  Habanero varieties I will dry and powder or I will ferment.  Numex varieties get eaten pretty quickly.
Not "fresh" but I dehydrate most as well. Some get smoked before. They get labeled, put into gallon bags, and then into air tight storage bins. Stay good for years and years...
Another good chunk gets made into sauce which lasts for a few years.