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bhut?? Clearly not, but what is it?

These seeds were labeled as Ghost peppers from the Tradewinds fruit company. The other seeds I have gotten from them have grown true, but not this one. Any idea what it is or if it is some cross?

These are indoor peppers so they are fairly small and stunted, I look for the plants to produce much larger fruit once they go outside.

For now, I'll just call them Not Bhuts until we figure out what they are.

I cut one open a week ago or so and tasted it. Definatly hotter than an orange hab, but not as hot as a ghost. Very thick skinned, almost 1/10 of an inch, but that maybe because they are inddors and stunted. Flavor was hab like, but a little different.


They are ripening to a nice red color. That is about the only Bhut trait they have :rolleyes: