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Bhut Jolokia can survive anywhere !

Hi all,

I just wanted to tell you a little experience I had with a Buth Jolokia I have forsaken once.

One year I grown some Jolokia and one of them was very strong : he sprouted earlier and became bigger than all his brothers and sisters. He was like the perfect plant. After harvesting him and when the winter came, I though he would die whatever I do (mistake I realise now).

So I just put it outside on the windowsill. The window face the typical "backyard" of a Parisian flat : 4m², surrounded by 8 floors buildings, we put the bin there and there is no light at all (maybe at noon for half an hour, and I'm not even sure). Even when a pigeon lost it's way there it dies ...

I left the poor boy there and completely forgot it. The winter came with snow from time to time, and some days at 23F° - 14F°. Then when spring came, I opened that window (in my bathroom) and realise that he was still there. And he was still alive !

He spent the all winter outside, with no light, no rain and some freezing days and he was still alive. So I put it back home and took care of it and he gave me some fruits again. But after that he died.

Did your peppers ever faced some hardcore situation and survived ? Is there anyone growing pepper in Antarctica ? :P
I planted a bhut next to my neighbors houseit got big but it never produced. he then moved out and the owner chopped it down and sprayed roundup for the weeds. I looked over there yesterday and the lil guy is got some leaves growing
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I let all my germination cups dry up with the last of my seeds in them, as I thought everything that was gonna sprout had sprouted. Two weeks later while cleaning the cups out I found a Reaper that was 2 inches long with cotys. I threw it into soil and its got new growth and looks as healthy as any of my other peppers at that stage.
I planted a bhut next to my neighbors houseit got big but it never produced. he then moved out and the owner chopped it down and sprayed roundup for the weeds. I looked over there yesterday and the lil guy is got some leaves growing

Seriously ??!! The owner put some Roundup on it and it's still alive ? Whaooo ! Yours deserve a medal !
I grew a bunch of Caribbean Red Habs on an island in Alaska. They were outside at all times from July to the end of August and did OK. Not great, just OK. Overwintered them and really took great care of them(inside almost every night) and they were fantastic! 6 foot monsters!!!
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I grew a bunch of Caribbean Red Habs on an island in Alaska. They were outside at all times from July to the end of August and did OK. Not great, just OK. Overwintered them and really took great care of them(inside almost every night) and they were fantastic! 6 foot monsters!!!

Nice story ! Did they met any brown bear ? It would be funny to see the reaction of a brown bear eating a pepper ! :P
Yeah, sense of smell like you wouldn't believe! I always joked that bear spray would just piss one off....but if you sprayed YOURSELF the bear wouldn't want anything to do with you!!!!
I let all my germination cups dry up with the last of my seeds in them, as I thought everything that was gonna sprout had sprouted. Two weeks later while cleaning the cups out I found a Reaper that was 2 inches long with cotys. I threw it into soil and its got new growth and looks as healthy as any of my other peppers at that stage.

Same here. I had 5 varieties that I gave up on after 2 months of no germ. Threw them to the side when I potted up. Bam! 10 or so new babies.