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Bhut Jolokia (I hope) and what ??

Planted 11 seeds, got 2 plants, with different fruit. Supposed to be Bhut Jolokia shu 800,000-1,000,000.
One plant has dark green peppers, also the red one on the photo, and with rather smooth skin. The other plant has pale green peppers with a more cobbled skin, and a more pointy end.
Plants have same age. Any guess what I'm growing ? Tx & greetings from Belgium. jos


Which one, I don't think both are the same ...?  The dark greens never resembled the pale ones.
By the way, I bought the seeds in Prague. If that can ease determination :-)  not
That bumpy one could be a Ghost but they don't tend to be that pale. The smoother one looks like some kind of Hab. Possibly Red Savina if you're lucky but most likely not.