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Bhut jolokia massive flowering without pollen

My 2 bhuts are growing great and have tons of flowers but neither of them produces any pollen.
I can see the pollen pods but there is no pollen.
Anyway I could make them fruit or induce pollen maturation?
I thought about using pollen from another pepper plant but I couldn't find any around.
Adding pictures of the plants and a semi blurry picture of the flower.

Errr I just saw there's exactly the same thread a bit down, and I actually used the search and didn't see it. So ignore this unless you have something to add.

After reading a bit, I don't think its the humidity because we still have summer's high around 50%+ humidity. I think I'll give it another month or so and is how it progresses into the winter climate.


Let them be there selfs they will pollinate themselves with nature... give it time when there outside you dont need to hand pollinate them. you will also see alot of flowering dropping so dont worry about that. If you were indoors you would need to hand pollinate them.espcially that 2 pepper plants are next to eachother will polinate sooner or later.go
good luck :party:
I actually had 2 chocolate bhut jolokia plants last season and one set fruit no worries at all despite being a smaller plant and being more root bound whereas the larger plant set 1-2 pods all season despite prolific flowering.

Make of that what you will but I believe that genetics of that plant were simply inferior as everything else was near on identical.

But give them some time and ensure they have plenty of potassium and then see.
This was happening for a while on my habs, dozens of flowers with no pollen. Finally I had a pod set a couple days ago and it looks like more today.
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]You worry to much my friend! Just use a good bloom fertilizer. As far as [/background][background=yellow]pollen[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] I dont even check! As long as your plants are getting good light. Hps (indoor) or sun (outdoor)[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]You will be fine! The stamens will become more [/background][background=yellow]no[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]ticeable and start to stick out more, when the flower is about to produce, you can see the tiny start of a pepper inside the flower at this time [/background]http://thehotpepper....hl__+no +pollen
I think Trippa may be on to something with the root bound comment...just an observation on my part, but this season my ingrounds and plants in larger containers all started producing later. The blooms all arrived around the same time, but the ones with room for roots just seemed to keep growing vice producing??? Be patient and once they're ready it'll be like you flipped a production switch. Good luck!

had this issue with yellow 7 pods in pots the pots were small i got one pod end of july and they were blooming and droping had pollen but no chillis i hit em with( bloom booster ferilizer higher in phosforus and potasium) every 3 days for about a month, and regular water the rest of the time and they are still making pods in my sun room it is November and cold'' i think in summer when i was watering everyday i was washing away the nutrients + it was way hot 95 + day time temp after i fixed the nuterition problem and it got 90s or lower they exploded with pods. hope this helps, bees and bugs do a good job of polinating when plants are outdoors,
Little update, I was at my parents house yesterday and I think there was a start of some pollen in one of the plants. Also I'm doing my masters in Biology so we have a guy who is an expert in flowering and pollination, I talked to him and he told me to get him a few flowers to look at, I'll see him monday and will have some more answers.
There was a storm today and tomorrow as well, not US kinds of storms but I hope they will be fine with all the wind and heavy rain.
wind helps polination, and rain makes them grow like they have consumed steroids.

So long as your drainage is good, you're good to go :)