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Bhut Jolokias at Work...

So I picked my first ripe Bhut Jolokia yeasterday and cleaned the seeds out, washed it and cut it into small pieces and took it to work today, since some had said they wanted to try it. On disection, i was surprised with the seed count, alot more than I had expected there to be from other super hots I have seen cut open.

I got mixed results from "thats not that hot" (the tough kid trying to prove his manlyness) to "thats hot, thats really hot, holy shit thats hot" (all from one person).

I tried it myself a couple times as well, yeah they are really hot but I enjoyed the flavor for a second or two before the heat hit, nice citrus/fruity flavor. The smell was actually what surprised me the most, not spicy hot smell, more a nice fruity smell. When I get some more ripe pods and a long weekend, I am going to try a biger piece and see what it actually does to me.
FUN! how many co-workers tried a piece?

We haven't been working as much lately and I miss sharing the latest hot "whatever" with the men-folk on a construction site. Great place for the "macho" factor!

Any way to get pics or a vid?
Isnt it a great second or two though. Before the heat really registers. Then its wonderful. Until the pain registers. Then its back to great. LOL
Leave the pod intact next time and let the tough kid have a go.

Removing the seeds also takes some of the placenta with it and that's were the fuel for the furnace hides. ;)