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seeds Bhut Seedlings stalled out?

Hey guys,

As some of you may know, I'm growing peppers from seed from the first time this year. I've grown a couple other plans from seed in the past, and have had no problems and semi-decent germination rates with other plants.

Anyhow, after some mishaps and a less than 10% germ rate on my first attempt (long story short: unpredictable low/ high temps & too much moisture rots pepper seeds) I have developed a little tower for germination on a little shelf, with a 65w cfl fixture under the top shelf, and my seedling tray on top of that. Temps range from 70-90 but for the most part stay in the 80s, which to be honest is probably the best I can do.

My second attempt at germination was done using the "paper towel" method on top of my cable box. After a couple of weeks, I got two seeds to sprout, but I managed to kill them trying to plant them with their nubby little tails. I would have let them grow a bit more, but the heat on top of the cable box is excessive, and I had already managed to turn one seedlings tail brown prior to planting (I assumed from the heat.)

so I decided to see if I could salvage the remaining seeds and planted them in little cardboard starter pots in "miracle grow moisture control" soil. (I didn't have anything made specifically for germination.)

Happily, a few days later, one of my bhut's popped. It was smaller than my other seedlings but looked ok. I took it from the domed seed germinator and put it under the light with its Red Savina seedlings (I've had a 50% germ rate on my latest attempt (the Red Savinas), which made me very happy.) The next day, in the same pot (there were 4 seeds planted in the 4 corners so they would be easy to separate later if they grew) another one popped. The first one still had yet to open its cotyledons, and the second one was tiny. The next day, they both looked the same, but a third one had popped. (It's a helmet head, and it has its head buried in the dirt. So its just a little stem loop sticking out of the soil at this point.

Anyhow, I'm concerned because in 4 days the first one has made minimal progress if any, and still hasn't unfurled its cotyledons, the seconds one is TINY and has showed minimal improvement in 3 days, and still hasn't unfurled, and the third one hasn't done anything in 2 days, and although the seed appears to be mostly open, has not emerged from its seed yet.

Any thoughts on why these little guys erupted over night and then have proceeded to do absolutely nothing?


1st- the pot; very hard to see but seedling #1 is at 12 Oclock, Seedling #2 at 3 Oclock, and Seedling #3 (helmet head) at 9 o clcok...

2nd- Seedling #1

3rd- Seedling #3 (helmet)

I couldn't get my phone camera to focus properly on seedling #2 so no pics of it.
In Jiffy`s works well, on heat mat (something similar) in a propagator (something similar). ;)

I have that problem when I have seedling in soil too rich in ferts or soil that stays to moist. Try moving them to a different medium .

Thanks for the replies, I'm definitely planning on gettingmore peat pelletsthenext time I germinate seeds. With my current setup I expect decent germ rates with the pellets. I was just wondering if anyone had similiarexperiences with bhut seeds, so I could figure out if the situation was due to plant genetics, maybe being in paper towels for so long, the crappy soil for germination, or possibly overwatering and or water quality ...bad tap with lemon juice for acidity
I had a few bhuts that were very small when sprouted. They all started in very tiny cups in soil. I took some and potted them up to 16oz solo cups. The others I left in their original cups. The ones that got potted up started growing very big and fast. The ones in the tiny cups barely grew and some of them are just starting their first true leaves. They look very miniature. I will pot them up when I have more room but I do/did see improvements.

Perhaps you should try moving them to bigger pots/different soil/ better position under lights? The way I see it, if they havent budged, make a change and monitor their progress. Keep refining until you see improvements. If you gave them your best priority with environment and they still haven't grown, perhaps then you should consider of they're worth any more time.

Good luck!

Oh and I've germinated using soil and paper towel method. The best way for me currently is using tiny platstic tupperware boxes. They look like mini tupperware boxes about 1 inch in size. I put a tiny moist paper towel to fill the bottom and lay my seeds on top. Then label them with whichever seeds I'm germinating. I then put all these tiny boxes into one large tupperware box and set them on the top of my lights which gives a nice constant heat.

I like thise method because I can pop open each box and look to see if they're sprouting. Once they roots look good and long and even when I see some green, they go straight into soil from there becuaee I know for sure they have sprouted. I found these tiny boxes at the dollar store. 10 pk for and buck. There's my two cents on germination.
How close are your lights? The purple on the stems suggests too close or they're getting a fert overdose from the MG soil. Hard to tell the moisture level too. You can't let them dry out.

They're awful small to move but I'm thinking that may be your best bet. Into some coco coir or seedling mix without ferts. They may make it yet, don't give up hope.
The light is pretty close , maybe 4 inches from the top of the pot, I can move the seed cup another 4 inches or so away from the light. It's a funky 65w compact flouro I found in the garage, looks like a relic of future past , with a reflector and a plastic cover. It gets fairly warm directly under it but all the other seedling seem to love it.

I'm guessing the issue is with some combination of the soil, water, and actually the pot. All the seedlings I tried to start in these cardboard starter pots have had trouble, and all the ones I've started in Styrofoam in the same soil and with all other conditions being the same, seem to have no problems. I'm thinking maybe the pot wicks away too much moisture or it's affecting the ph.

It's also quite possible the ferts are an issue, I've been using a very dillute nutrient - epsom salt - lemon juice concoction since it seems to be around the right ph. I don't have any way of testing the ph accurately, although I just read the water report here and it looks like my tap is between 7.6-7.8 ph and has a tds of around 300.

Seedling #1 is looking pretty shaky, not sure hes going to make it, #2 is almost certainly done for, but #3 looks like if he can shake the helmet he may make it.

If I get off my ass and can figure out where to get some peat around here, I'll try transplanting them today. I finally got lucky with my papertowel method and have another 9 red bhut seeds with tails so if I lose a couple here it wont be the end of the world. I only really wanted two or three to begin with, but went gung ho since my rates have been so poor to date.
I removed #3's helmet a couple days ago, but there had been minimal if any progress in either seedling. I decided to replant in plain peat, in case they were being overferted by the miracle grow moisture control.

Interestingly enough, I discovered #1 had somehow grown backwards...or the root made an unfortunate wrong turn into the discarded seed casing...the stem went down to the seed, and there were no visible roots. I removed the seed, and there was a teeny tiny root. Replanted, but I dont have high hopes for a recovery, the root is minute and looked a little shriveled up, possibly some form of rot.

#3 had a somehwat shriveled up, yellowish root. I tried to clean it but ended up chopping off the bottom 1/3rd or so. Also low hopes of recovery, but luckily I had another 9 (9 of 10 this time and the 10th didn't look viable to begin with) red bhuts pop so I'm fine without them.
Yup it's good to have a plan B. Good to hear you got extras to sprout. It eases the mind if your other seedlings die.

I had one bhut outside die this morning. The other 40s are doing fine. Just saw two sprouts under the lights burn up but oh well. I need to make room for others anyways haha.