breeding Big Bertha and Hybrid question

I got a Big Bertha bell pepper seedling at the hardware store. It was the only bell they had. It didn't say if it was a hybrid or not but I think Big Bertha peppers are hybrids. If it is a hybrid how untrue to type will the seeds from it really be? As long as it ends up looking like some type of bell pepper of at least average bell pepper size I really don't care. Anyone know what the parent peppers are? I am assuming they were both bell peppers. Anybody planted a seed from a Big Bertha before? Are they just as fertile as any other pepper assuming you don't care much about the exact phenotype?
Welcome alawn!

I've never grown a Big Bertha or tried to save seed from a hybrid, so I'm afraid I'm not much help there.
Welcome alawn.
I grew Big Bertha and the few peppers I got were practically seedless but his could have to do with them being pollinated by a Scorpion flower
