black jalapino's?

well i checked up on my plants today and low and behold i have some jalapino's that have black on them... what is this? is it good is it bad if it is bad what do i do to fix it?


weird isent it?
Indeed, looks like a weird strain or a cross with something that has purple pods? Growing anything like that nearby the year before?
got the plants from a nursery so wouldn't know. weird i have 9 or so other plants and none of them are doing it... and the plants came all from the same flat.

i also have one rather pointy pino pod that looks like a cross with a cayenne. will get a pic of that pod also.

here it is.
rds040800 said:
Mine do something similar, but it is them protecting themselves from the blasting sunlight on 100 degree days.

except it never gets that hot here.

i asked grandma and she said it could of been frost... but the leaves on the plant are fine and also the toms are fine also.
Mine go from green to dark green / black to red. I'm allowing mine to all go to red so I can use them for chipotle. I thought that was just the color changing as it rippens and was normal if you leave them on the plant to rippen.
Its anthocyanin pigment and its normal with lots of sun, and it also adds beneficial antioxidants to your peppers