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Black Leaves?

The pictures dont show it very well, but the older leaves on this plant are very dark, almost completely black. The new growth starts out green but gradually darkens. It is a Yellow Scotch Bonnet. I collected the seeds myself from isolated pods so I am pretty sure there were no stray genes that are causing the coloration. It also doesnt seem to be contagious as all other plants are healthy. Growth on this plant seems to be slow/stunted and the overall health seems poor compared to everything else I am growing. It seems like I always get one or two like this every year and the outcome is never good. Nothing fancy on the potting soil, same mix I always use, potting soil, vermiculite and some perlite. Bottom water every 3 to four days as needed. PH is 6.7, no nutes fed thus far. T8s are hanging about 2ft above the plants. No sign of any burn or stretching on the others. Is it just a runt, or has something attacked just this one plant for some reason?
120 views and not a single reply.....I didnt think a simple sun tan would stump you guys, lol! I had some Fungus Gnat larvae in the soil so I repotted with new soil and backed the lights off a tad. Seems to be improving. Thanks for all the input....