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Black Naga..?

I was given this as a black naga, but really don't think it is. It's a monster of a plant (6ft high) with purple tint to leaves and stem. The pods go very dark purple/brown where exposed to the light, then just before they ripen they turn green, then ripen to a chocolate colour.
The pods are too smooth for a naga I think, but it's the weird colour change thing and purple leaves that has me stumped. Any ideas..?
Several photos here;
And if anyone can help me with how to upload photos onto this forum post I'd be very grateful!!
The plant does not sound "right" for the Black Naga, although the pod isn`t a million miles off. I can`t really give you much in the way of clues regarding this one. It looks/sounds like a cross. Black Naga x Pimente de Neyde maybe? That`s a pure guess.
Here`s a bowl of Black Nagas for you.
Thanks guys. I'm leaning towards a cross of some sort too. Pods seem too smooth to be a naga, and there's the whole purple thing going on. Think I'll plant a few seeds and see what comes up.