• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Black Pearl - off season indoor grow.

So I happened to come across some seeds for the recently developed ornamental/culinary Black Pearl.

I started germination in a damp paper towel in a plastic bag taped to a sunny window on 9/6. In two and a half weeks, one seed (out of 10) had germinated. Here he is on 9/25 starting to poke his head out of the soil.


This is going to be a small grow-log about just a couple of black pearl plants. I've noticed that there haven't been many of these done yet online so I felt I should contribute and share my experiences. :)
Wow, that aerogarden looks to be working for those plants like a champ! Have you used it for anything else?

Also, interesting mix of green and black on your plants. I've only seen fully matured ones so all that green really surprised me!
