Black spots on some peppers?


Two of my varieties of peppers (aji amrillo hots, and hungarian hot wax) are developing black spots on them. From what I have found on the wen this is called Bacterial Spot of Pepper. Ok well the only part I cant find is is it harmful? Do I have to cut out all the little black spots on the peppers that have them prior to using or does it matter as long as I cook them?

Not all of my peppers have this. Just these two varities, along with my bell peppers. My other hot peppers are all fine.

Well, I cut out the bad spots before I use a pepper because it's yucky, but I don't think you'll break out in black spots if you eat them.

If you can, post a picture, you can get a confirmation of your diagnosis or pointers to what else it might be.
thanks for the reply. I would post a photo, but it says that I am not currently allowed to post photos. I have seen other users with photos posted but am unsure how to enable that. Suggestions?
It looks like mold bro, I would honestly not be eating these peppers but that's just me, I may be totally wrong. I've been having many peppers get moldy and have been throwing them out as we've had continuous rain for like a solid week and cold nights. I lost half of my garden of veggies, but luckily the peppers are still thriving.
Thanks, well I dunno what it is. But isnt bacterial of pepper a type of mold? As it stand now, we have just been cutting out the black spots and chutting them up to use. One thing to note is that the circles do not grow. The isue seems to be with their quantity. Some peppers have none at all and others have a few spots. If you cut them open the dark spot most of the time does not go all the way through the pepper to its opposite side.
Bacterial spot is caused by a bacteria, not a mold. And it very common in a humid area like yours. But, you know, I'm wondering: have you seen any stink bugs on your plants? On the orange pepper in the second photo, the spots sorta look like stink bug damage.
Hey. Actually I have seen something that I dont know what they are. The look like a big ant about a 1/4 inch in length or so and have an orange body. A friend that came over a few weeks ago saw them and told me that they were baby stink bugs. I'm not sure. But usually there will be an entire string or multiple strings of them. I had always thought they were some kind of any until he told me that.

As for the spots they just appeared this year. This is my third year for growing the ahi amarillo peppers and never had had the black spots.
Carito said:
Hey. Actually I have seen something that I dont know what they are. The look like a big ant about a 1/4 inch in length or so and have an orange body. A friend that came over a few weeks ago saw them and told me that they were baby stink bugs. I'm not sure.

Oh yeah, that's what baby stink bugs look like. Your friend was right.

As for the spots they just appeared this year. This is my third year for growing the ahi amarillo peppers and never had had the black spots.

I've had a lot of problems with stink bugs this season, it might just be a bad year for them. Neem or any pyrethrin spray will knock their numbers down, but you'll probably want to spray more than once, at least a week or ten days apart.