Black streaks on peppers

I'm growing Super Chile, a hybird. the plant looks great but the pods are getting these brownish bach streaks on them.

Anybody ever seen tis before?
horizontal or vertical? One side of the pepper, or all the way round? Sunburn? Lack of nutrition. Search either term on the forum and you might get some pointers
The steaks run the length of the pods and seem start at the base and getting lighter toward the tips. I'll post some pics later tonite.
Chiles that get the most sun frequently turn black/purple. Notice the same chile, with leaf cover, does not turn black. Perfectly normal.

As with this purira:

That's interesting. The way the super chile grows there is little to no sun cover. We've had some pretty warm days here already (mid 80s) but it's usually a bit hazy when it gets hot here on lake Erie. None of my other plants are doing this. Theone sportong pods are Banana, Hungarian Hot Wax, Jalapeno, and Mexi-Bell. My Red Savina is flowering at this point.