food Blackened Tuna for Supper 06-15-09


I got some fresh wild Yellow Fin Tuna Saturday morning and decided to do it blackened this evening...not only is blackening a great way to cook but it is very time efficient (read quick)...

I also got some nice fresh shrimp I boiled and decided to blacken some shrimp too...cooked on the grill at 650F on a black iron griddle....had some fresh stir fried asparagas with sesame seeds too...great stuff...

my belly is full and I hear the rack monster callin' me....night all....

Currently suffering from yellow fin fever. Supper looks really really good. Never had yellow fin that way and would love to do some up.

This guy landed here in Point Loma with a 362.1 pound yellow fin yesterday.

Looks delish! Those are skinny asparagus.
boutros said:
This guy landed here in Point Loma with a 362.1 pound yellow fin yesterday.


all I can say is that would feed me for dang near a year figuring 140 pounds of meat...nice fish said:
Looks delish! Those are skinny asparagus.

they were skinny but they were very tender and the taste was divine..

LordViykor said:
So does it cook all the way through AJ? and is the blackening like a crust when done?

yes and yes LV...cooked the shrimp about a minute on each side and the tuna about 2-3 minutes per side...
LordViykor said:
So does it cook all the way through AJ? and is the blackening like a crust when done?
Blackening is a Cajun style crust of sorts. The spices blacken on the meat or fish.

Excellent on fish, especially catfish and dolphin fish. said:
Blackening is a Cajun style crust of sorts. The spices blacken on the meat or fish.

Excellent on fish, especially catfish and dolphin fish.

Ah now i'm understanding it all. Thanks for the info.
And salmon too! AJ that is a truckload of awesome! I do a similiar with salmon and use a vietnamese black bean and garlic. Never ocurred to me to try it with tuna. I bow down before your bad sef'!!

Cheers, TB.
ImpyChick said:
I've been on a big seafood kick, too! This meal looks great!

Thanks Impy...fresh seafood is the biggest thing I miss about not living on the gulf coast... said:
Blackening is a Cajun style crust of sorts. The spices blacken on the meat or fish.

Excellent on fish, especially catfish and dolphin fish.

thanks for the explanation THP...I should have expanded my answer...

LordViykor said:
Ah now i'm understanding it all. Thanks for the info.

sorry LV for not being more explicit in my answer...I will do better next time... ;)

texas blues said:
And salmon too! AJ that is a truckload of awesome! I do a similiar with salmon and use a vietnamese black bean and garlic. Never ocurred to me to try it with tuna. I bow down before your bad sef'!! Cheers, TB.

Cudos from the best chef on THP is an honor...

I am probably going to try and smoke some kind of fish this Sunday...never smoked fish before but I love the taste...I may smoke a couple or three big fillets of salmon..

Penny said:
Looks really good AJ, but i cant eat seafood of any kind.

Thanks not being able to eat seafood is one of the saddest things I have ever heard...
AlabamaJack said:
Thanks Impy...fresh seafood is the biggest thing I miss about not living on the gulf coast...

Tell me about it. I lived for four years in Clear Lake Texas, south of Houston and my wife and I used to drive over to Kemah at dawn and buy fresh Gulf shrimp off the boats for like $5/pound for the most beautiful shrimp you've ever seen.

We'd boil them in a big outdoor gas pot with Old Bay Crab Boil and have a bunch of friends over. It was cheap and just phenomenal eating.
AlabamaJack said:
Thanks not being able to eat seafood is one of the saddest things I have ever heard...

Ya well ;), i learned along time ago that i dont like it, and it "really" doesnt like we just avoid one another:lol: