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Blasphemy! Well, not really...

I had to cut some smaller, weaker stems off a few Caribbean Red Habaneros and decided to do something "special" with them instead of throwing them away.

How do you make a pepper plant hotter? Zap them with about 10,000 volts @ almost 1 Amp! :hell::hell::hell:

allXbutXgone said:
i'd like to see how this turns out, you gonna do it again as they get bigger?

Those were not whole plants but stems I cut off near the bottom of some larger plants, they were weak and light deprived, only making things worse for the plant as a whole so I snipped them off.

I just like zapping things, and since stems are moist, they zap very well :)
ah see thought you had rooted clipping before zapping them, ive read a few articles about voltaic stimulation of plants or their root systems to increase growth and improve yeild. interesting concept but ive never seen it applied.
allXbutXgone said:
ah see thought you had rooted clipping before zapping them, ive read a few articles about voltaic stimulation of plants or their root systems to increase growth and improve yeild. interesting concept but ive never seen it applied.

I too have heard about that. Always wanted to try it and it's a simple procedure too.
Kool, so I can plant 9v batteries with my Nagas and get FrankenNagas?


hhhmmmmm..............i am a freak in needing to know the mechanism of how things work........very interesting concept that of the voltaic stimulation......

i'm thinking........potential difference across soil / plant medium means water is present that has very high concentrations of ions.......so any type of PD would of course cause a flow of current.....so how can this stimulate plant growth???........hmmmmmm

lets see....plants need nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur to grow and develop structures.....logically i would say the rate of increase of these ions into the plant's system would increase its response to growth....yeah that's a safe statement....

so how does electricity increase the rate of absorption of these nutrients??....

water is taken in by osmosis through the root cell membranes but there is a higher concentration of salts inside the cell than outside....so that means nutrients can't be taken in via osmosis....ions are therefore taken into a plant's system via selective ion pumps on the phospho-lipid membranes of the plant root cells......ahhhh!......and these pumps have to take the nutrients into the roots against a concentration gradient so that means work has to be done and where work is being done by a biological organism that means ATP is present.....so when ATP is broken down into ADP & AMP energy is released and the ion pumps can now use this energy to do the work of transferring the nutrients from the soil into the root cells......cool....

so again....how does electricity stimulate this process.....i'm theorizing that flow of negative ions caused by voltaic stimulation in plants causes the roots cells to convert ATP molecules to ADP & AMP at a faster rate hence causing a faster rate of entry of nutrients into the plant's system. But this is limited by the rate of photosynthesis and respiration of the plant as these processes are the rate determining steps in the production of ATP molecules in plant cells (back to the Calvin cycle).....

so wait wait wait wait wait.......human cells gain energy to do work by breaking down the ATP molecule into ADP & AMP....so does this mean if i put a 9V in my pocket and go swimming in the sea, will my body absorb the dissolved ions in the seawater????...:shocked:

i seriously need to stop thinking out aloud.......you gotta excuse me........lol