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Blooming Bhuts

I am still babying along the "alleged ghost peppers" I bought in Oklahoma. The biggest one is in a 10 gallon container and is about 18 inches tall, it is covered in blooms, what is the average time from flower to pod for a bhut. Hoping for no flower drop of course.

Thanks for any input.
I haven't timed it, but it seems to me to be around 35-45 days from pod set to fully mature, ripe red pods. Maybe a week to 10 days for the pod to reach full size, then about 3-4 weeks for it to ripen. Those are rough guestimates though. Should be at least a month.
It seemed the hotter it is outside the longer it takes for my bhuts to ripen. My last pods I pulled in June took 8 weeks to ripen. BUt they seemed hotter than normal. When the weather cooled last year, mine were going from flower to ripe in 3 weeks, but they were smaller, milder pods.
rds is right about that, with these 100+ temps mine are taking forever. ive been picking some early and letting them ripen inside
Is that why my hand are taking forever to ripen? It has been 100 here with very high humidity for the past week. The heat index was 120.