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water Blossom Drop - No new growth - Too much water???

My chiles started of good (store bought seedling) lots of fruit for their size I think (first year growing). Now there is little new growth and virtually all of the blossoms yellow and drop. Could this be from too much water. Wish they were doing as good as the tomatos, gonna harvest a bunch of cherrie tomatos today. Being a FNG any and all advice would be appreciated


All these flowers yellowed and dropped


The tomato jungle

logchief your plants are ok, they have peppers that are ripening and not alot of new growth or pod set will happen. This is the reason many of us pinch early pods to let the plant grow big before allowing our plants to blossom. When you pick those pods the plants will take off again. :)
Thanks PRF, guess I'll pick some chiles today and see what they do. The soil in the bottom of the buckets is really wet. Drilled a few holes (1/2 in.) in the bottoms and it was pretty muddy.
Logcheif if your bottom was muddy when you drilled holes, you might wanna let that thing dry out a little bit. WHo knows how long your roots have been sitting in that.
Peppers don't like wet feet. Blossom drop can happen for many reasons and I'm pretty sure one of them is the plant being waterlogged. Look on the underside of the leaves along the veins. Can you see a bunch of very small bumps? That's called edema and it's a sure sign of too much water in the plants system. Best of luck to you.

Here's a link to a photo. http://www.apsnet.org/education/IllustratedGlossary/PhotosE-H/edema.jpg
The yellowing does look like it is water logged. Take a 4" x 12" strip of cloth, twist it into a 12" long wick and fold the middle of it over a chopstick or screwdriver and jam it up into on of those 1/2" holes you drilled about 2 inches. Then elevate the pot so about 4" of your wick free hangs below it. Now water it with a hydrogen peroxide(3%) solution of 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Hope that helps your plant. Good luck.