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Blossom Set Spray?


What are thoughts in this community on blossom set sprays? Peppers are so easy to pollinate that I didn't even look into it.

However, my tomatoes lost all of their blossoms over and over. I think I shook them too hard.... I found this online and a few really good reviews.. I spray everything twice a week and look below. Fruit is growing! Not sure how the pepper plant will be when they start setting but does anyone have experience in this?

Blossom Set Spray, 8 Oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EQDCQUO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_9u7BAb9GTAX6W

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I'm not sure I would spend money on something like that. Tomatoes self pollinate just like peppers so if you're having problems setting fruit then there's probably a bigger underlying cause you need to fix.
Edmick said:
I'm not sure I would spend money on something like that. Tomatoes self pollinate just like peppers so if you're having problems setting fruit then there's probably a bigger underlying cause you need to fix.
I've always had trouble getting the pollen to drop. I have even fingered it and no pollen hits my fingers...

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I am pretty sure the reason why my blossoms don't set is because the environment isn't consistently warm enough. Temps are normally 60 degrees or colder (planters on the the floor above the basement) and only 70 degrees for a few hours every morning or night. I read a few different forums regarding it being too cold to actually set. I'm glad this spray works for me. 
I use the tomato set on the first couple weeks of flowers until the bees show up in numbers when it's warmer out.

Never used it for peppers but it's in my bag of tricks to get those early flowers to set.

Been using it 25+ years
Masher said:
I use the tomato set on the first couple weeks of flowers until the bees show up in numbers when it's warmer out.

Never used it for peppers but it's in my bag of tricks to get those early flowers to set.

Been using it 25+ years
That is really good to hear!

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