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Blossom Trigger?

4 months of blazing hot weather 90-98 F and 1" to 3" of rain 4-5 days a week, 1 plant was attacked by stem boring beetle grubs, all where attacked by aphids and horn worms(no pesticide used). The average temp has dropped to 85 - 90 for a high and rain 3 - 4 days a week. It seems the 5 degree temp difference has triggered major blossom production. During the summer the plants produced about 30 pods between all of them. Things are looking up lately even the plant I had to cut back by 50% is producing some nice looking fruit. This one bellow shows how the skirt of the flower effects the shape of the pods. You can see the gutted stem(stem boring grubs) near the bottom of the top pic. I saw 3 plants twisted around each other online, so I have 3 Japs why not try it?
I like the braided Jap's! (nice twist, lol)

I'm jealous of you folks down south, we're working on getting 5 cords of firewood, tuning up our snowblowers, and getting our snowplows in order... Ugh!
You guys have peppers still comin'!
