Bogus Bhut's from

I ordered 6 Bhut Jolokia plants from Cross Country Nurseries. They have been doing well and started setting pods a few weeks back.

Unfortunately, they produced 2 inch long 1/3 inch wide fruits which look nothing like any Bhut pics I have seen.

I took one of these unripe "Bhut's" and an unripe Naga, that looked like a proper Naga, and did a taste test.

I took a cautious bite from the end of the Bogus Bhut, nothing. I took a bigger bite, mild heat like a New Mexico type chile. I ate the rest and still mild as mild can be.

Next the unripe Naga. I took a sniff and suddenly decided against just biting into it. I could smell the capsaicin. I got some gloves and cut it up and took a tiny sliver into my mouth. :hell:

Needless to say I got burned, but not the burn I wanted from the Bogus Bhut's. :(

I just hope my Nagas stop dropping blossoms, they are my only hope of a super :hot: harvest.
I am suprised that a reputable company like cross country nurseries would do that. I nearly bought some from them but ended up just growing them from NMSU seeds. No pods or flowers yet on mine :hell:
Do you have any pictures ?
My Bhut from Cross Country looks like the pictures. Haven't tried it, don't intend to bite into a fresh one, but my official pepper taster will be getting my first ripe pod tonight.

The folks at Cross Country have always been extremely helpful when I had a problem with an order. Most of the time the problem has been on my end, but they still graciously helped me work it out. My suggestion is that you contact them with your concerns.
Not that this is necessarilly the problem here, but I have found that the first green fruit off of a plant is rarely very hot. I thought I got "burned" when I popped a "vietnamese" hot pepper in my mouth earlier this year, and found no heat whatsoever. I also tried a green Hab about that time and found it lacking. Both are now fully functioning fire starters although they started out weak.
Well I ordered some of those from Cross Country but do not have any pods yet. I will post back with my findings once they come in. The plants look right compared to pics I've seen anyways.
Funny that this should come up. I had some ID stakes fall out during shipping and really thought I put them back where they belonged. What I thought was a Bhut looks more like a Trinidad scorpion (not yet ripe). I never ordered THAT. What I was sure was a Fatali looks like a Bhut for the time being. God only knows what my 3rd super-hot plant is (not fruiting yet). Only one stake fell out of those three, and the other people who went in on this order with me appears to have got what they ordered.
In a nutshell... I would order from them again (they DO have the best customer service!) but with a certain degree of wariness.
I emailed NMSU almost a month ago about the Memorial Day marble peppers I received instead of the Bhuts and no reply yet.

Does anyone know if they close down for the summer since it is a University?
Well the plants I have are not Bhut Jolokia. I have not a clue what they are. Must have gotten mixed up at the nursery. I have an email out to them but have yet to hear back.
Of 6 plants 3 are some type of small cayenne type pods, 2 are looking like immature cherry peppers and one is flowering but has not set pods yet.

Oh well, not much I can do for this season now.

RedThumb, I just ordered 2 packs of Bhut seed from NMSU yesterday. They are open.
bjs - I dont think CCN had a mix up (or maybe they did ?) did you look at the little tags when you got the plants ? because they will substitute your order for other kinds of chiles if your 1st pick was out of stock.

I got my 1 bhut from them & yes its a bhut because it has all those zits. I dont know what a true normal size bhut pod grows to ? but mine are longer & narrower, but still a bhut.
We got some Bhuts from a friend in Bangledesh and grown out they look more like a type of cayenne varient when I questioned this they told us they are Naga PC1's which are the sameones that first appeared on our shores and are not very warm. The bhut's we received from NMSU are the correct Bhuts that everyone is talking about.

So I guess you can never be to sure. But Cross Country has always been right on when we've ordered in the past.

RedThumb said:
I emailed NMSU almost a month ago about the Memorial Day marble peppers I received instead of the Bhuts and no reply yet.

Does anyone know if they close down for the summer since it is a University?

Usually the faculty and staff don't get summers off, and most universities have summer classes anyway. I suspect they have a small staff and don't have a dedicated customer service person. Of course, emails get lost or buried under more pressing items, too, so it wouldn't hurt to email them again and request they acknowledge the email. Don't most email programs have something that lets you know if the email was opened?
pepper belly - dont mind what pam is saying, she just doesnt like smilies :shocked: even when they help get the point across,also alot easier that typing words inbetween *_________* plus some smilies are cool to see because they're just funny :evil:

as for pics, well heres my bhut from CCN & its nothing to brag about either, but you asked for pics.
