campaign Bottle-Fed Hot Sauce: Kickstarter Giveaway!

Hey fellow pepper lovers, my name is James. Been lurking here for a little while now. This forum has helped me tremendously in my journey to start my hot sauce business, so shout-out to people like salsalady for all of the knowledge shared here.

I have launched a Kickstarter campaign for my company, Bottle-Fed Hot Sauce. I specialize in using traditional Asian ingredients (kaffir lime leaves, calamansi, etc). The goal is to educate others about Asian cuisine in the approachable format of hot sauce. The main pepper I use is Thai Bird's Eye. I've been doing R&D for the last year or so, and have settled on 4 sauces as my flagship lineup. If you have time, check out the campaign to read about each one! All pledges will receive an equal or greater amount back in retail products!

Kickstarter: Bottle-Fed Hot Sauce

In celebration of the Kickstarter launch, I am doing a giveaway of sample bottles on Facebook and Instagram. All you need to do is follow and leave a comment tagging 1 friend and you're entered! Winner will be chosen Friday February 25th. 1 winner from Facebook and 1 winner from Instagram will be chosen, so enter both! Winner receives 4 bottles of hot sauce FOR FREE! Shipping to the lower 48 is covered!

Any support and feedback is welcome and appreciated! This forum has been the biggest resource for me in the process of building out this company. Thank you to everyone who has contributed here! I truly couldn't have done this without







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Best of luck sir! (just now read the post) To quote a hackneyed cliché' "anything worth doing is usually not easy." Offer a good product at a decent price and you will eventually find success... There will be pitfalls, obstacles, but stay the course.

Congrats reaching your goal!